EDUCATION DENIED: Costs and Remedies
This unique contribution to global educational debate and policymaking aims to highlight the adverse impacts on children and young people of not having access to effective formal education. The author is the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education. In reviewing the emerging commitment to universal education and the difficult history of trying to give effect to this commitment, particularly in the past half century, the author draws on three bodies of literature: on education specifically; on development generally; and on human rights.
EDUCATION DENIED, Costs and Remedies
Katarina Tomasevski
This unique contribution to global educational debate and policymaking aims
to highlight the adverse impacts on children and young people of not having
access to effective formal education. The author is the UN Special
Rapporteur on the Right to Education. In reviewing the emerging commitment
to universal education and the difficult history of trying to give effect to
this commitment, particularly in the past half century, the author draws on
three bodies of literature:
* on education specifically
* on development generally
* on human rights.
Her intention is to develop an approach which shifts the debate from sheer
number of pupils, funding mechanisms and the recent preoccupation with
market forces to a deeper discussion about what the right to education
should really comprise, how governments and other institutions actually go
about, or fail in, giving effect to it on a universal and non-discriminatory
basis, and what happens to young people within the educational process
The book is an indispensable tour d'horizon of the history and problems
encountered in the global quest for universal education. It also points up
the discrimination and abuses of power this quest has involved and what
needs now to be done.
Publication March 2003
Hb ISBN 1 84277 250 3 £49.95 $75.00
Pb ISBN a 84277 251 1 £15.95 $25.00
224 Pages
To order a copy please contact: [email][email protected]
For more information please contact: [email][email protected]
Right to Education Project
for the United Nations Special Rapporteur