culture and lifestyle newsletter seeks contributors

Voice, a newsletter of the International African Students Association ( seeks critical essays, articles, true-life stories, poems, cartoons and pictures for inclusion in the next edition of the Voice. The newsletter aims to bring together innovative but readable exploration of African culture and lifestyle from the perspective of young Africans.

Voice, a newsletter of the International African Students Association ( seeks critical essays, articles, true-life stories, poems, cartoons and pictures for inclusion in the next edition of the Voice. The newsletter aims to bring together innovative but readable exploration of African culture and lifestyle from the perspective of young Africans.

The editors welcome pieces that touch on all segment of life in Africaand the Diaspora. Contributors are at liberty to consider any aspect of recent African development including excavations of politics / conventions, national and regional trends, traditions, arts and culture, music, literature, economics, sports, education, youth and social development. Contributors are encouraged to be creative in their writing styles.

Deadline: Feb 21st, 2003
Submissions should be between 300 to 500 words. Although longer contributions may be considered space permitting. All submissions should be accompanied by a short biographical sketch, and whenever possible should be sent via email (as plain text, not attachment).
All submissions should be sent to [email protected]
Newsletter P.O. Box1868,
Jamaica Plain,
MA02130 USA

Opportunities exist on the editorial team of the Voice for individuals with strong writing, editorial or layout skills to produce future editions of the newsletter. If interested write us [email protected]