Egyptian activists talk about the state of the revolution

On February 4, Pambazuka News editor Firoze Manji walked in on Egyptian theorist Samir Amin and Mamdou Habashi, a well-known Egyptian activist talking politics, and joined right in.

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What you're about to hear is an impromptu conversation between Egyptian theorist Samir Amin, Pambazuka editor Firoze Manji and Egyptian activist Mamdouh Habashi. Amin is probably best known for developing the theory of Eurocentrism. Habashi is a well-known Egyptian left-wing activist. And Manji's publication Pambazuka is produced by a Pan-African network of over 2,600 volunteers and organisations. 

The three men met on February 4 at the World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal. A few hours before, Mamdouh had arrived straight from Tahir Square in Cairo. This was not a planned interview – Manji began recording as he saw where the discussion was going. Although the sound quality reflects the spontaneity of the recording, this is rare opportunity to hear these three in discussion, with analysis fresh from the events unfolding in Egypt.

We hope you'll enjoy this first collaboration between and Pambazuka News.


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