Parresia Publishers Ltd and African Centre for Media and Information Literacy in partnership with Shehu Musa Yar’Adua Foundation will on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, present to the public a new book, We Are All Biafrans, written by Chido Onumah.
- Tagged under Arts & Books Nigeria Biafra, Nigeria, Chido Onumah
Even as one struggles to make room for optimism in the destiny of Nigeria in these unsettling times, without doubt in the hope that those who now hold the levers of power will somehow manage to begin to find solutions to some of our lingering pains, some odd incidents take place and feed one’s su
Tagged under Education Nigeria Education, University students60 million people are on the run worldwide, the majority coming from countries in the Global South. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), one third of the refugees originate from Africa.
Tagged under Global South Nigeria Migration, Nigeria, Niger DeltaWe recall that in the just concluded 2015 general elections in the country, Nigerian women voted overwhelming for CHANGE but are now faced with rights impediment by male politicians who clearly do not have any interest in promulgating laws aimed at protecting and safeguarding women’s rights as gu
Tagged under Governance NigeriaIt’s been over a week now since the gut-wrenching video of a group of cadets from the Nigerian military’s elite training school, the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), brutalizing fellow cit
Tagged under Governance NigeriaIt is indeed extraordinary that Muhammadu Buhari, head of regime of Nigeria, would pose the question ‘What do the Igbo want?’, albeit rhetorically, during a tortured effort to answer a question on Biafra from a panel of ‘selected’ journalists in Abuja on 30 December 2015.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaNow that moderate and responsible leaders of thought in Igboland have cautioned against the madness over Biafra, it is perhaps apt for ‘outsiders’ to say something.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaThe Boko Haram insurgency is exacting a huge toll on the populations in the North-East of Nigeria.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaI read yesterday (Sunday, 8 November 2015) from that the Nigerian police killed two young Nigerians who were protesting for Biafra in Delta State.
Tagged under Governance NigeriaRunning Nigeria is no easy feat, not even when you are Muhammadu Buhari and you have your second stint as head of state, albeit a democratically elected one.
Tagged under Governance Nigeria
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