A cursory re-examination of the early years of what became known as the women’s suffrage movement and abolitionism represented the embryonic phases of self-organisation and mass struggle politics within United States society.
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- Tagged under Gender & Minorities North America Women Suffrage
Since the mid-19th century there has been a periodic interrelationship between the movements for African emancipation and women’s liberation.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities North America Women SuffrageThat was the message from Amanda Latimer, a campaigner against a 2016 energy deal between the government and a multinational consortium headed by ExxonMobil. The Canadian campaigner, a lecturer in political economy at Britain’s Kingston University, was speaking at the Pan Afrikan Society Co
Tagged under Land & Environment Guyana Oil and gas in GuyanaFrom this speculation has been born the criticism, which continues unabated and can be heard from commentators from across the political spectrum in a range of domestic and international quarters.
Tagged under Human Security US troops in SyriaLast week’s Budget Statement confirmed that Finance Minister Tito Mboweni is funding ever more of it.
Tagged under Economics South Africa Eskom corruptionThe main theme of the first National Congress of the Swaziland Youth Congress (SWAYOCO) since 2013 was democracy and “reawakening youth zeal for liberation.”
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Swaziland SWAYOCOThe uprising had kicked off in mid-February of 2011, after so-called activists – via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – called for a “day of rage” against the government of Colonel Gaddafi, who had ruled the country since his Al-Fateh Revolution of 1969, which removed the imperialist-client monarchy
Tagged under Human Security Libya Libya invasionThe mainstream media including Reuters, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and The Independent among others reported on 22 February 2019: Incident of death and injury at Venezuela’s border with Brazil.
Tagged under Global South VenezuelaIf the so-called American Revolution of 1776 was truly committed to breaking with monarchical and autocratic rule from the United Kingdom then why did slavery grow at a rapid rate after the achievement of independence of the former 13 colonies in North America?
Tagged under Pan-Africanism SlaveryIn late August of 1619, approximately 20 Africans were brought to the shore of Jamestown Settlement in Virginia, then a colony of Britain, having been captured by Portuguese colonisers in the Ndongo and Kongo kingdoms (in the vicinity of modern day Angola, Republic of Congo-Brazzaville and the De
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Slavery
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