Besides the inexplicable burning down of the Croix Bossales and LaSaline market places, today [Monday, March 20] former president Jean Bertrand Aristide was shot at and at least two people standing in front of his motorcade were hit and killed.
After lots of insider objections, the criminals won the day. For now.
Essentially, the Bigio-Boulos-Brandt-Berlanger-Apaid-Clinton crew announced to the Haitian people that their votes were switched by the old 2015 UNOPS-Core Group crew and allocated as follows:
Tagged under Democracy & GovernanceThe legendary Fidel Castro fought against Western subjugation and exploitation of the poor and won. He died [on 26 November] at 90 years old, unbroken, undefeated. Castro was the David who beat Goliath on behalf of the poor.
Tagged under Pan-AfricanismFree Haiti’s interest converges with that of Donald Trump. We both do not want a third Obama term with the Clintons back in the White House.
Tagged under Human Security South America Haiti, Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Barack ObamaTwenty-nine years ago, on February 7, 1986, Haiti ousted the bloody, US-supported Duvalier dictatorship and swore never to allow dictatorship in Haiti ever again.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security