The Gap between Rhetoric and Practice: Critical Perspectives on Children’s Participation

Call for Papers

Volume 16 (2006) of Children, Youth and Environments (CYE) will be a large special international volume on child and young people's participation with collections of papers from seven regions of the world. This call is for the Africa - special issue. Child rights advocates have embraced the idea of children's participation and have called for it to be 'mainstreamed' in development and everyday life. Yet the practice of children's participation is still in early stages. This issue of CYE will explore perspectives from Africa on the gap between rhetoric and practice.

Call for Papers
The Gap between Rhetoric and Practice: Critical Perspectives on Children’s

Africa - special issue
Guest Editors: Dipak Naker, Raising Voices and Rakesh Rajani, HakiElimu

Volume 16 (2006) of Children, Youth and Environments (CYE) will be a large
special international volume on child and young people’s participation
with collections of papers from seven regions of the world. This call is
for the Africa - special issue.

Child rights advocates have embraced the idea of children’s participation
and have called for it to be ‘mainstreamed’ in development and everyday
life. Yet the practice of children’s participation is still in early
stages. This issue of CYE will explore perspectives from Africa on the gap
between rhetoric and practice. It will offer analysis, experiences,
synthesis and critical perspectives from Africa regarding the gap. The
editors invite submissions of abstracts of less than 200 words. Final
submissions may be in different formats and of varying lengths, though
shorter pieces are encouraged. These may be visual as well as written, and
may include images, articles, research documents, commentaries, thought
pieces and field reports. Authors living and working in Africa are
particularly encouraged to contribute. We also strongly support
submissions from, or in collaboration with, children and young people. For
more information see

Expressions of interest in the form of abstracts (of no more than 200
words) should be sent by June 5th 2005 to Dipak Naker:
[email protected] and Rakesh Rajani: [email protected]

Deadline for final complete submissions will be August 15th 2005.