african review of books: maiden issue launch december 2003

The editorial production of the Africa Review of Books will be piloted by the Forum for Social Studies (FSS), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the active support of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), based in Oran, Algeria. The initiative for the publication of the Africa Review of Books dates back to about a decade and it emerged out of a shared concern in the African social research community to create a forum for a critical presentation of books produced on Africa within and outside the continent. The Africa Review of Books will be published twice yearly in English and in French. The maiden issue is to be launched in Dakar at the CODESRIA
30th Anniversary Conference in December 2003.

Bellagio Publishing Network Forum (Bellpubnet)
CODESRIA announces its new initiative, the Africa Review of Books (ISSN

The editorial production of the Africa Review of Books will be piloted by the Forum for Social Studies (FSS), based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the active support of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (CRASC), based in Oran, Algeria.

The initiative for the publication of the Africa Review of Books dates back to about a decade and it emerged out of a shared concern in the African social research community to create a forum for a critical presentation of books produced on Africa within and outside the continent.

Such a Review was deemed central to the goal of projecting interesting original works of art and science produced in Africa that might otherwise be lost on account of poor visibility. It was also hoped that a publication of that nature could serve both as an important barometer of trends in the study of Africa and a pace-setter for an all-round improvement in standards and quality.

The thrust of the Africa Review of Books will be multidisciplinary by definition and will engage both historical and topical questions.
Contributions are welcome from scholars actively involved in the study of Africa. The vibrancy of the Review will be enhanced through the systematic encouragement of debate around critical texts.

The Africa Review of Books will be published twice yearly in English and in French. The maiden issue is to be launched in Dakar at the CODESRIA
30th Anniversary Conference in December 2003. Distinguished academics and resource persons on the continent and in the Diaspora are contributing to the Review.

The Forum for Social Studies (FSS) was established in 1998 as an independent, non-profit multidisciplinary initiative bringing together Ethiopian scholars working on a broad range of social, economic, and political questions. It is currently led by Dessalegn Rahmato. CRASC was established in 1992 as a national centre bringing together researchers in the social sciences and humanities for the common purpose of promoting a deeper understanding of the Algerian society. It is currently directed by Nouria Remaoun.

The Africa Review of Books (ARB) is not associated with or related to "African Review of Books".

For further information about the Africa Review of Books, please contact:

The Executive Secretary CODESRIA, Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop X Canal IV, BP 3304, Dakar, Senegal Tel: +221-8259822/23 Fax: +221-8241289 E-mail: The Manager FSS, P.O. Box 25864 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: +251-1-552025 Fax: +251-1-523946 E-mail: The Director, CRASC, Cité Bahi Ammar, Bloc A, N° 01 Es Sénia, Oran, Algeria.
Tel: +213-41-419783/85 Fax: +213-41-419782 E-mail: Bellagio Publishing Network PO Box 1369 Oxford OX4 4ZR
Bellagio Publishing Network Forum (Bellpubnet)