Afro-intellectualism: Past, present and future dimensions

Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies (formerly The Journal of Pan African Studies (JPAS), a trans-disciplinary on-line multilingual peer reviewed open-access scholarly journal devoted to the intellectual synthesis of research, scholarship and critical thought on the African experience around the world, is seeking contributions for a special edition focused on “Afro-Intellectualism: Past, Present and Future Dimensions,” hence, the global use, development, and exercise of the intellect by people of African heritage in all parts of the world.
We are seeking submissions focused on: the African intelligentsia, the African brain drain, decolonizing education in Africa and the African world community, institutional development and support for the African intelligentsia, the internationalization of African intellectualism, organic scholars within the African intelligentsia, the sociology of African intellectualism, the scholar-activist tradition/practice within the African intelligentsia, critical biographical profiles of the African intelligentsia, book reviews, the motion and behavior through space and time of African intellectualism in relationship to energy and force (the physics of African intellectualism), interviews, art and the African intelligentsia, Afro-futurism, the African intelligentsia absent of egocentricity, the conscious and unconscious dynamics/psychology of African intellectualism, etc. All relevant topics and subtopics will be considered for this edition.
A:JPAS is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December, with occasional supplemental special editions to accommodate specific topics or themes.
Afrifactor Participant:
A:JPAS is a member of “The Task Force for Measuring Impact in Africology” to implement an Afrifactor (an article/journal citation tracker that can monitor author contributions and journal ranking and qualitative metrics specific to Africology) for journals and academic units engaged in Africology, and thus supports its “Black Paper 101” via:
A:JPAS is indexed via Academic OneFile (audio availability), EBSCO, Google Scholar, International Index to Black Periodicals, Literature Resource Center, ProQuest, Social Sciences Full Text (WilsonWeb), Thompson Gale, World History Collection, etc.
A:JPAS seeks to use an affirmative African centered logic and language of liberation, therefore, we have decided not to use the term “tribe” or slaves in reference to the African experience. We ask that all contributors acknowledge this policy before submitting content. Hence, the preferred alternative terms and concepts include “ethnic group” and “the enslaved.” Second, in regards to the use of the word black, when it is used to indicate people of African heritage, we recommend that it be capitalized. In regards to describing Africa, the now popular “sub-Saharan Africa” designation is discouraged; thus, our preferred description is ”Africa south of the Sahara desert” or simply, “Africa south of the Sahara.”
Publishing Language
The major publishing language of A:JPAS is English. However, contributions in languages other than English are acceptable when also presented in English.
All contributions must address the guest editor of the special edition, Dr. J. Vern Cromartie ([email protected]) via a cover letter stating: your name, current public affiliation, location, e-mail address, the title of your contribution, the originality of your contribution, that your contribution is not under consideration anywhere, and that you wish to publish in Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies.
Thereafter, contributors must submit their contribution to the guest editor, Dr. J. Vern Cromartie ([email protected]) in MS word in a Times New Roman typeface via an attachment in an e-mail (etiquette: avoid capitalizing every word in the subject line). The entire work should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages with a concise title, abstract, and current standard citations and references. Within the contribution, do not include page numbers or the title of your contribution on each page; all graphics (charts, tables, photos, etc.) must fit our page measurements; only use endnotes in your contribution (not footnotes), a list of references are needed for each contribution, and in regards to style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), use the style most relevant to your area of study/research.
Dates and Deadlines
Please send your abstract by or before February 24, 2018 to Dr. J. Vern Cromartie ([email protected]) or [email protected]. The acceptance of abstracts will be approved by or before March 12, 2018. Full papers are due by or before May 24, 2018.
Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies