Solidarity with the Venezuelan people
African progressive organisations and movements stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela to oppose any imperialist interventions that only seek to install a puppet government to serve the interests of imperialist powers.
In solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, the Reflection Centre on the South- South Solidarity, representing progressive intellectuals, organised communities, social movements, creative and innovative artists and environmentalists of Kenya and Africa, we strongly reject the project of imminent military aggression that is part of the United States of America interventionist strategy against Venezuela and its people.
We as a Centre, and as part of a common administration in defense of humanity, condemn any attempt of foreign intervention in Venezuela; against the national popular will, so that a violent and oppressive puppet government can come to power.
The statements issued by President Donald Trump, speaking of the “many options on the table for Venezuela, including military action if necessary”; together with the executive order issued by his predecessor Barack Obama, which considers Venezuela as an “unusual and extraordinary threat to national security and foreign policy of the United States” adds to the Latin American tour of United States Secretary Rex Tillerson to stop the peace dialogue and seek direct support from Colombia in the armed intervention against the Venezuelan territory. An intervention that is taking place dangerously with the presence of the military in the Colombian-Venezuelan border of members of the US Southern Command, and moreover in parallel deployment of the Colombian military forces.
We believe that only the Venezuelan people are destined to seek their own way and the democratic ways that help them resolve their conflicts, without the need for foreign military interventions that would only generate more violence within the South American continent, which for years has been trying to overcome such records of violence, dictatorships, coups d’état that the “Big Brother” club knew how to impose with blood.
The opponents of the Venezuelan Revolution are anguished at this point because the Venezuelan people sanctioned their absolute rights for freedom, independence, sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity. These enemies are not interested in the spiritual development of human beings that enables them to recover and protect their knowledge, their natural resources and humanistic heritage as a means of ending the impoverishment and marginalisation of the people.
*The Centre of Reflection on South-South Solidarity is based in Nairobi, Kenya