Global: Grant available: PhD and Post-Doctoral - Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
The Institute has the opportunity to fill alternatively 1 PhD Grant, or 1 postdoctoral Grant Starting May 2008 (negotiable). The grant is to be awarded in the context of the Max Planck Fellow Research Group "Law, Organizations, Science, and Technology" (LOST) headed by Professor Richard Rottenburg (Max Planck Fellow). The current research focus is on "Biomedicine in Africa". Special attention is given to medical practice and argumentation in juridical contexts such as in the control of epidemics, the legitimisation and legalisation of diagnostic and healing practices, intellectual property rights, medical evidence in various forms of courts of justice etc. (for more details see
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Our Institute has the opportunity to fill alternatively one of the following positions 1 PhD Grant, or 1 Postdoctoral Grant Starting May 2008 (negotiable)
The grant is to be awarded in the context of the Max Planck Fellow Research Group "Law, Organizations, Science, and Technology" (LOST) headed by Professor Richard Rottenburg (Max Planck Fellow). The current research focus is on "Biomedicine in Africa". Special attention is given to medical practice and argumentation in juridical contexts such as in the control of epidemics, the legitimisation and legalisation of diagnostic and healing practices, intellectual property rights, medical evidence in various forms of courts of justice etc. (for more details see
PhD Grants are generally awarded for 2 years, with the possibility of two six-month extensions. We expect our PhD students to complete a year-long period of fieldwork as part of their studies. Postdoctoral Grants are for two years (a one-year extension is possible). Postdoctoral Grants can only be awarded to scientists who have received their doctorate within the last ten years. The grants are not taxed and are free from social security stipulations. Applicants should have an anthropological background with at least some experience in Science & Technology Studies, or an S&TS background with at least some anthropological experience. Good field research skills, the ability to work in a team, communication skills with good written and spoken English are required.
Individuals with disabilities will be given priority, assuming equal qualifications. The successful candidates must take residence in Halle.
Applications should include the standard documentation and a project proposal referring to the research agenda of LOST.
I) Standard documentation includes:
- a cover letter
- a CV including a list of publications
- a project proposal (five pages only)
- photocopies of university degrees
- names of 2-3 referees, whom Prof. Rottenburg may contact II) The primary regional focus is on Africa III) There is no application form to be filled out.
VI) Applications may be submitted by email.
Final selection will be made following interviews as soon as possible.
Please send applications to the following address by 17th March 2008:
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Personnel Administration, P. O. Box 11 03 51 D - 06017 Halle/Saale, Germany; or email to: [email][email protected]
Informal enquiries concerning the project may be directed to Prof.
Richard Rottenburg ([email protected]).
-- Dr. Thamar Klein Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology PF 11 03 51 D-06017 Halle/Saale Germany Phone + 49 (0)345/2927-191 Fax + 49 (0)345/2927-502