Telling Africa’s untold Stories: new IPS website launched
Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa has created a new multimedia website to present the story of Africa’s development. The website launch in Africa will coincide with the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, commemorated on October 17.
Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa
Press Release: 17/09/2010
Telling Africa’s Untold Stories: new IPS website launched
Inter Press Service (IPS) Africa has created a new multimedia website to present the story of Africa’s development. The website launch in Africa will coincide with the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, commemorated on October 17.
The theme for 2010 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty -- “Working together out of poverty” -- highlights the need for a truly global anti-poverty alliance, one in which both developed and developing countries participate actively.
Africa is hungry – 240 million people are undernourished. This year, the trauma faced by Niger brought once again to the world’s attention the need to increase the long-term planning capacity of African countries.
Since its inception, back in 1964, IPS has believed in the role of information as a precondition for lifting communities out of poverty and marginalization. This belief is reflected in our mission: “giving a voice to the voiceless”.
Through providing informed, contextualised and integrated reporting on economic, environmental and social issues, Inter Press Service considers its journalism to make a vital direct contribution to achieving sustainability.
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