Africa: Civil Society engagement ahead of EAC/COMESA/SADC summit

On 20th October 2008 Heads of State from three sub-regional economic organizations COMESA, EAC and SADC will come together in a first historic tripartite summit in Kampala to “decide on matters related to enhancing cooperation among EAC, COMESA and SADC, including deepening trade, investments, and infrastructure, linking transport corridors, promoting joint projects to boost of industrialization agriculture and food security as well as enabling free movement of people between the three RECs”.

On 20th October 2008 Heads of State from three sub-regional economic organizations COMESA, EAC and SADC will come together in a first historic tripartite summit in Kampala to “decide on matters related to enhancing cooperation among EAC, COMESA and SADC, including deepening trade, investments, and infrastructure, linking transport corridors, promoting joint projects to boost of industrialization agriculture and food security as well as enabling free movement of people between the three RECs”.

The summit presents an opportunity for civil society from the region to come together to exchange experiences and lessons learned around successful engagement with the RECs; discuss key cross cutting issues facing the region from freedom of movement/xenophobia to peace and security and the responsibility to protect; and to develop potential litigation and other strategies before the REC mechanisms. We expect that the meeting will issue a final communiqué setting out civil society recommendations with respect to the prospects for greater coordination and integration.

The East Africa Law Society and International Refugee Rights Initiative have developed the attached concept note and draft agenda for a one day session on the 18th, followed by an optional discussion in working groups on the 19th ahead of the summit itself on the 20th and would welcome your feedback.

We are very aware of the short notice but are hoping that you could indicate whether you would be interested in attending and participating? We are seeking support from funders and may have some small travel costs reimbursement available for some NGOs from East and Southern Africa – but we are hoping very much that you may be able to self-fund.

Looking forward to hearing from you by 13 October.

Joyce Kevin Abalo,
Programme Assistant,
Regional Integration,
East Africa Law Society,
Tel: +255 27-2508707;
Cell: +255-782-174942;