Kenya: Call for consultants - UNDP
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, partnering with UNDP is looking for consultants. If you think you are qualified, or youth think you know someone who can do it, kindly disseminate and/or send at CV to: - [email][email protected] Kindly specify the tasks you are applying for.
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, partnering with UNDP is looking for consultants to carry out the following activities;
1. Edit and Finalise for publication Action Plans on the following thematic areas; One consultant per thematic area.
i.) Youth, Crime and Drugs
ii.) Youth Education and Training
iii.) Youth and Environment
iv.) Youth and ICT
v.) Youth, Leisure, Recreation and Community Services
vi.) Youth and Employment
vii.) Youth, Empowerment and participation
The above action plans have already been drawn, and the tasks will be to edit, harmonize and align each of them to prevailing development issues as regarding young people, in line with vision 2030 and Millennium development goals. The consultants will work very closely with Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports as the lead in finalizing of these action plans and in giving professional layouts for publishing of the action plans. The consultants must have at leas a basic degree in communication or social sciences. Previous experience in working in any of the thematic areas or in documentation will be an added advantage.
2. Translate the Kenya National Youth Policy into Swahili and Braille. This requires one consultant per translation. Experience and education background justifying the consultant’s qualification is required.
3. Facilitators/trainers on Youth Friendly Service provision to Youth Officers. This will be an outdoors experiential training. At least 3 consultants are required for this particular training programme. Previous experience facilitating outdoors training programmes will be necessary.
If you think you are qualified, or youth think you know someone who can do it, kindly disseminate and/or send at CV to: - [email][email protected] by Close of business on Thursday 25th September 2008. Kindly specify the tasks you are applying for.