Director/professor of the University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil Society

The incumbent will be primarily responsible for the leadership, management, research programmes, fund-raising and networking responsibilities of the Centre for Civil Society.

The University of KwaZulu–Natal (UKZN) is committed to Employment Equity with the intention to promote representivity within the Institution.

REF NO: BEDS12/2015

The Centre for Civil Society, a national research centre located at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, serves as a bridge, between civil society and higher education. It undertakes high-level research on civil society in partnership with other higher education and civil society institutions. The Centre also provides a service to the civil society sector by managing a research grant, facilitating provincial and national research nodes, and hosting capacity building training programs.

The post of the Director of the Centre has become available as a result of the departure of its current director: The University is offering this position at a professorial level with tenure residing in the School of the Built Environment and Development Studies. The School is comprised of various disciplines – Community Development, Population Studies, Development Studies, Architecture, Housing and Planning.

The Centre is associated with the School in respect of all its teaching and publications output, as well as some joint research projects. The School currently offers a range of course-work Masters degrees; Masters by research as well as research-based PhD programmes in the various disciplines of the School.

The incumbent will be primarily responsible for the leadership, management, research programmes, fund-raising and networking responsibilities of the Centre for Civil Society. As Director he/she will report regularly to the Management Committee (Dean and Head of School) and quarterly to the Advisory Committee, consisting of both senior university and civil society representatives; The successful candidate will also be expected to teach at least one course in the School’s Masters programmes; supervise Masters and PhD students and publish in major national and international journals in his/her research fields.


 A PhD in a relevant social science or humanities discipline;
 An ability to conduct research within one or more of the College’s themes;
 A record of sustained publications in major national and international journals;
 Post-graduate teaching or supervisory experience up to PhD level;
 Appropriate management experience, preferably within a university context;
 A record of successful fund-raising, and established relationships with major funding agencies;
 Knowledge of, and experience within, the civil society, NGO, CBO and voluntary sub-sectors;
 Commitment in promoting the study of, and other forms of active engagement with, civil society.
 Evidence of commitment to transformation within the higher education landscape.

This appointment will be made in line with the University guidelines/benchmarks which are available on the University Vacancies website on

Enquiries and details regarding this post, as well as the request for the job profile may be directed to Miss PSG Hlongwane, email address: [email protected]

Appointment to this post will be on the January 2012.

The remuneration package offered includes benefits.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 15 September 2015

Applicants are required to complete the relevant application form which is available on the Vacancies website at Completed forms may be sent to [email protected] Please state the advert reference number in your subject line.