- Tagged under Human Security Egypt
Landmines Struggle Center (LSC)
Press Release
12 mine/UXOs victims in Egypt during 2000
LSC Asks the National Committee for Mine Clearance
To Adopt Mine Awareness and Victims Assistant programs
LSC asks upon the new Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security EgyptThe American University in Cairo (AUC)
Forced Migration and Refugee StudiesSummer Short Course: Refugee and Human Rights Law.
The course will be led by Sharryn Aiken, Legal Specialist, Refugee
Studies Centre, York University, Toronto.- Tagged under Global South Egypt
March 20, 2001
Cairo (Reuters) - Egypt's legal, political and social
climate encourages the use of torture during detention
and leaves victims without adequate means of redress,
an Egyptian human rights group said on Monday.Tagged under Human Security Egypt
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