- Tagged under Human Security Egypt
- Tagged under Human Security Egypt
- Tagged under Gender & Minorities Egypt
- Tagged under Human Security Egypt
If the military is ever to be a legitimate national force, it must side with the protesters against Mubarak’s thugs and the police. These thugs have been ridiculously and mistakenly labeled by right-wing media as “pro-Mubarak demonstrators.
Tagged under Governance EgyptNothing better illustrates the bankruptcy of the (‘realist’) Washington/Western European position on the gathering wave of revolt in the Middle East than the paralysis that it has so spectacularly displayed in its response to the events unfolding in Egypt.
Tagged under Governance Egypt1 February, 2011
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns EgyptA popular revolt, a revolt of the plebeian, the heretofore forgotten, suppressed and muzzled, is rocking North Africa.
Tagged under Governance EgyptWe appeal to all human rights organizations and to all the defenders of freedoms and human rights and all the free honourable media inside and outside Egypt to interfere immediately and support our peaceful demonstrations from the savage attack of the security against the demonstrators using all
The statement can also be found at www.equality.org.za
Solidarity with the people of Egypt! Democracy for all! Justice for David Kato! Equality for LGBTI people in Africa!
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Egypt
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