Celebrating the life of Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz

In the battle of ideas, we inherit from him a wealth of revolutionary weapons of theory and real experiences to defend and guide our struggle against capitalism, imperialism and all forms of reactionary ideas and practices.

Image Source
Narada News

In this occasion, when we commemorate the passing on of Comrade Fidel, I have decided to reproduce a poem that I wrote in Kiswahil about two years ago about him. (Unfortunately, the English translation of the poem from its original in Kiswahili published below does not sound poetic.)

Yes, Fidel is no longer with us physically but since he died a hero as I predicted (just as many of us did too) Fidel lives on. And because even Fidel was a human being and therefore mortal, we did not expect him to live forever. We needed him all the time but we always knew that like all of us he would one day pass on. And so he has passed on. But Fidel is not dead. For we can now declare for certain and without any iota of doubt that Fidel has passed on as a hero and heroes do not die.

Fidel is a peoples’ hero, he is hero of Cuba, Latin America, Africa and humanity. Throughout his life Fidel struggled, thought, wrote, taught and dedicated for the freedom, happiness, peace and liberation of the exploited and oppressed and all human beings - for socialism and communism. In the battle of ideas, we inherit a wealth of revolutionary weapons of theory and real experiences to defend and guide our struggle against capitalism, imperialism and all forms of reactionary ideas and practices - and for socialism.

To the people of Cuba, Fidel has left a country that, despite the longest and most brutal economic, commercial and financial blockades ever imposed against any country by US imperialism, remains the most resilient, independent, free, just, principled and inspiring country on earth. So at this day we join the people of Cuba - that include his brother President Raul Castro and his blood family and extended family of comrades and friends escorting him to his final resting place at Santiago de Cuba - to mourn Fidel. We are with the people of Cuba at this solemn occasion to celebrate the 90 years Fidel lived with us. And what a life it was! …….Oh yes, the struggle left by Fidel continues and must continue!

Werugha, Taita Taveta County, Friday 2 December 2016.


Fidel Castro Ruz

I love the land of Cuba, its people, economics and politics

The system of love, geared towards socialist development

Of carrying forward all citizens, to participate in social progress

The system of removing the vestiges of exclusion and marginalization -

To enable all to meet their needs, that’s the aim of their economy

Yes, they have a lot of problems, but they courageously struggle with them

How I wish to live in Cuba, but lo! Our struggle in Kenya needs me


Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz, he is famous all over the World

The log of revolution, symbol of bravery for a just cause

Champion of the struggle for love on earth, for all to live well

Searching for a good leader? Look in Fidel Castro!

He continues with revolutionary struggle, despite his age

He has retired from state leadership, but he is still in the journey

Revolutionary education, of social justice and peace on our planet

He is still committed to the work, theoretically and ideologically


Socialist ideology and theory, he contributes to everyday

He interprets and expounds Marxism, in the present conditions of the World

He thinks about technological development, and science for human security

To Fidel education and health should be prioritized

And in the utilization of natural resources,

Humanity must end greed and waste, conserve the environment or perish!

Fidel condemns capitalism and imperialism, while exposing its injustices

He advocates for socialism, the system worth struggling for

He has made a contribution to revolutionary struggle, he continues to do so


They have tried to assassinate him, the US imperialists

They have targeted his life over hundred times, capitalists are evil

Because Fidel has prevented them from continuing to colonize Cuba

Exploiters and oppressors hate Fidel they wish to bury him in the grave

But to the wretched of the earth Fidel is their beloved hero

Hundreds of millions of people pray for him that he lives a long life

Yes, Fidel motivates, he lights the fire of revolution in us


In the freedom and liberation war, the two Cuban people’s heroes met

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, believers of the same ideology

Through the revolutionary struggle, the comrades united

The brothers in combat committed themselves to the work,

The members of the party struggled together

Until Cuba was liberated, and the whole World witnessed

From then on the roots of socialism continue to grow and grow

True, the Cuban revolution lives and will continue to live

Fidel Castro Ruz, we thank you Cubans for him


Socialism marches on triumphantly, in spite of the neighboring enemy

US imperialists hate Fidel with a passion, they are still bitter of the past defeat

Because they invaded and occupied Cuba, exploiting the country as colonialists do

Even today they still conspire against Cuba, they are strangling it with blockade!

But Cuba insists on going forward, forward ever

Cuba will not give up or turn away from the true path of freedom

Fidel maintains: socialism is the hope for Cuba and the World

We cannot liberate ourselves, by returning to the past, capitalism!

Yes, we hear you Fidel we hear you clearly,

Yes, the masses listen to you even in Kenya and Africa


It is not in my habit, listen to me, it is not a good habit

To praise as a hero a person who is still alive

Fidel does not like it either, I am aware

For as long as you are alive you have not grown fully,

Our ancestors taught us, I remember

Still I shower praises on Fidel, many big praises, he is a hero

He has embraced being humane, he does not worship money

As for remaining firm in the cause, I do not doubt Fidel for a second

He will die fighting for the common person, whatever come may!

That is why I dedicate this poem to him, long live Fidel!

Your life is an example to follow, Fidel Castro Ruz

Good health, dear comrade!

Nairobi, Dream Hotel Ngara, Thursday 17 May 2014


Fidel Castro Ruz

Ninaipenda nchi ya Cuba, uchumi na siasa zao

Mfumo wao wa mahaba, ya kijamaa mandeleo

Ya kila raia kubeba, ashirikishwe kwa nchi yao

Ni mfumo unaoziba, pengo za kimapendeleo

Ili kila mtu kushiba, malengo ya uchumi wao

Na viongozi wa kuiba, hawacheki na watu hao

Wana matatizo si haba, lakini wapambana nayo

Ningeliishi nchi ya Cuba, ah! Kenya bado ukombozi


Fidel Castro Ruz, duniani ni mashuhuri

Gogo la mwanamapinduzi, jazanda la uhodari

Wa mapambano ya mapenzi, ya wote tuishi vizuri

Sifa za mwema kiongozi, soma kwa Fidel nahubiri

Akazana na mapinduzi, pamoja na wake umri

Ameng’atuka uongozi, lakini bado anasafiri

Elimu ya kimapinduzi, ya haki kwa yetu sayari

Bado afanya hiyo kazi, itikadi na nadharia


Itikadi na nadharia, kila siku anachangia

Umarx aufafanua, kwa hali ya leo dunia

Amani anafikiria, haki na usalama pia

Kwa Fidel elimu na afya, ni ya manani kutilia

Mazingira tukitumia, tufanye kuyahifadhia

Ubeberu aukemea, dhuluma zake afichua

Ujamaa anatetea, unafaa kupiginia

Mapinduzi amechangia, tena bado anachangia


Wamejaribu kumuua, mabeberu wa Marekani

Tena zaidi ya mara mia, mabepari ni mashetani

Mana Fidel amezuia, Cuba kubaki ukoloni

Wanyonyaji wamchukia, wataka awe kaburini

Bali kabwela wa dunia, ni shujaa wao mwandani

Halaiki yamuombea, aishi sana duniani

Fidel anaendelea, anaishi ulimwenguni

Na motisha hutupatia, tushikilie mapinduzi


Kwenye vita vya ukombozi, mashujaa walijuana

Che Guavara na Ruz, itikadi ilifanana

Harakati za mapinduzi, komredi wakaungana

Ndugu wakaifanya kazi, wanachama wakapambana

Cuba kukawa ukombozi, hata dunia ikaona

Ndipo ya ujamaa mizizi, imeshika imeshikana

Kweli ya Cuba mapinduzi, yamedumu yanakazana

Fidel Castro Ruz, Wacuba twamhongerea


Ujamaa waendelea, ingawa adui jirani

Marekani yamchukia, wang’ang’ania ya zamani

Kwani Cuba walikalia, na kuinyonya kikoloni

Na leo hila waifanyia, Cuba waikaba kooni

Bali Cuba yaendelea, haitoki msimamoni

Fidel ameshikilia, ujamaa ni matumaini

Hatuwezi kujikomboa, tukirudi ubeparini

Fidel tunakusikia, Kenya na Afrika pia


Mtu alo hai sikia, si kawaida kumsifu

Hujakufa hujatimia, ni wahenga waliarifu

Bali Fidel namumwagia, sifa kuu tena sufufu

Utu ameukumbatia, wala haabudu sarafu

Msimamo kushikilia, kwake Fidel sina hofu

Kabwela atapigania, bamvua na maji mafu

Ndipo heri namtakia, na shairi la kumsifu

Ni maisha ya kuigia, Fidel Castro Ruz

Nairobi, Dream Hotel Ngara, Alhamisi  Mei 17 2014

* Mwandawiro Mghanga is Chairperson of Kenya- Cuba Friendship Society and the Social Democratic Party of Kenya (SDP).



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