- Tagged under Governance
- Tagged under Governance South Africa
No início do ano toda a atenção [internacional] se voltou para as revoltas na Tunísia e Egito.
Tagged under GovernanceIsso por que convém recordar que, na configuração atual do mundo e das relações internacionais, não existe de fato transferência de tecnologia, e por várias razões:
Tagged under GovernanceNa verdade trata-se um ardil geoestratégico que visa três objetivos principais: primeiramente eximir os europeus da pesada responsabilidade pela espoliação e pela (má) sorte de centenas de milhões de africanos levados à miséria e, em seguida, convencer a estes mesmo africanos que eles nada valem,
Tagged under GovernanceFor the past several months, paramilitary groups consisting of former military men, former death squad members, and new recruits have been planting themselves throughout Haiti.
Tagged under GovernanceRIO DE JANEIRO, 20 JUNE 2012: As government representatives start formal negotiations in Brazil to seek agreements on so-called ‘green economy’ policies and to assess progress in fulfilling commitments on environment and development made at the Rio Earth Summit twenty years ago, indigenous people
Tagged under GovernanceWhile governments were locked in their semantic battles in the Rio+20 process, women’s and other social movements continue to fight on multiple fronts for human rights, justice and sustainability.
Tagged under GovernanceAs a South African eco-socialist organisation which actively mobilised at the Durban COP17 Summit, the Democratic Left Front (DLF) issues this statement in response to the concept of the ‘Green Economy’ and other outcomes of the recently concluded Rio+20 Summit which was held in Rio de Janeiro fr
Tagged under GovernanceA close friend of mine in Fairfax, Virginia, is expecting her first child. By the time this baby girl turns 60, she'll live in a world that's warmer than it's ever been since humans began walking the Earth 2.5 million years ago, according to a new study.
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