- Zachary Lomo
- Zacharys Anger Gundu
- Zackie Achmat
- Zahid Rajan and Zarina Patel
- Zahra Moloo
- Zaina Nyiramatama
- Zainab Bangura
- Zaki El-Salahi
- Zaki Harare
- Zaki Laïdi
- Zama Mthunzi
- Zarina Geloo
- Zarina Patel
- Zawadi Nyong'o
- Zaya Yeebo
- Zaya Yeebo and Scholastica Marenya
- Zeinab Kamil Ali
- Zemdena Abebe
- Zen Zappa
- Zenaida Machado
- Zetho Cunha Gonçalves
- Zetho Gonçalves
- Zhang Ke
- Ziallo Gogui
- Zikipediq
- Zimasa Lerumo
- Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights
- Zimbabwe Church Leaders
- Zimbabwe Civil Society Organizations