As the Unemployed People’s Movement (UPM), we are pleased to make this submission to these public hearings. We are not able to send delegates to physically attend these hearings as our financial resources do not allow for this.
- Tagged under Resources
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Tagged under Governance2 February 2012 Port Elizabeth
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsAyanda Kota was released from custody on Friday afternoon. Bail was set at R500. The judge made it clear that he considered the charge of 'theft' for failure to return borrowed books to be ridiculous.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns3 August 2011
Unemployed People's Movement Press StatementTagged under Advocacy & CampaignsMonday, 18 July 2011
Press Statement by the Unemployed People’s Movement
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South AfricaDear Mr. President
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South AfricaTuesday, Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns South AfricaThe rebellion of the poor has been spreading from town to town, from squatter camp to squatter camp, since 2004.
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsMinister please stop Grahamstown from becoming a ghost town. Do not move the seat of the High Court from Grahamstown to Bisho
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns