- It has often been stated that the difference between success and failure of any development plan initiated by government is people’s participation and ownership.Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns
Despite possessing knowledge and expertise in the legal field they engage in diverse responsibilities in their communities. They advise elders and community leaders, assist individuals find lodging in cases of domestic abuse and conduct fact finding for remedies to rights violations.
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsConflict which increasing in the continent also affects young people more than any other age bracket. Additionally, In Sub-Saharan Africa, 3 in 5 of the total unemployed are youth (ILO 2006) and on average 72 percent of the youth population live with less than US$2 a day.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Youth, ActivisimWhen students get worked up about university administration they resort to vandalism and woe unto you if you are caught up by demonstrating students in the streets.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns East & Horn of Africa YouthThe UN Women’s Rights in Africa Report was produced in honour of the African Union 2016 theme “year of human rights”, thus celebrating the gains made by women in the continent.
The necessity of food to human life requires that everyone gets concerned about food debates. Unfortunately, the agenda being pushed is one that profits corporates at the expense of smallholder farmers.
Tagged under Food & HealthNo part of the world can claim to be cushioned from the effects of climate change. From hurricanes, to mudslides and landslides, to bursting rivers, floods and increased desertification. The effects of climate change are already being felt all over the world in the form of heat waves [1] .
Tagged under Land & Environment Kenya Climate Change, Climate justice, Global warming, Kenya