Ethiopia is one of the most populous countries in Africa, with recent estimation of the country’s population placing it at over 100 million people. Ethiopia has a long history of migration to different parts of the world.
Escaping the heat into the fire: Migration of Ethiopian women domestic workers to the Gulf countries
Tagged under Human Security Ethiopia Women domestic workers, Middle EastThe Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) expresses its deep sadness over the loss of Fatima Al -Mernissi with her passing on December 1, 2015.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesWhile the anger is accumulating in Sudan and peaceful demonstrators are being injured and killed by the Sudanese regime forces, this comes as a natural result of years of injustices.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesAfter more than ten years working in the Horn of Africa region with women, from Darfur in Sudan to the coast of Somalia, the braveness of Muhildeen Shikh Mohamed an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) Somali man living in Mogadishu took me by surprise.
Tagged under GovernanceOn 4 November 2012, the new Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon announced the composition of his first Cabinet with two women appointed as part of the 10-member executive.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities MaliOn 22 April 2012, Sudanese judge Sami Ibrahim Shabo sentenced to death by stoning a young woman accused of Zina (adultery). Her name is Intisar Sharif Abdalla, married and a mother of three little children.
Tagged under Governance