I am no fan of the market economy, and I have been so for many years. However in the last few years, with more learning and understanding, I came to the conclusion that, while still no fan of the market economy, I don't have an ideological problem with the market.
- Tagged under Economics Ghana Free Market Economy
We know that modern civilisation in North America was made by immigrants who kept coming over generations and took the land from the indigenous peoples.
Tagged under Human SecurityClimate change is a topic that is of major concern to Africa, primarily because climate scientists argue, with evidence, that Africa is the continent most vulnerable to climate change while being the least able to adapt to its impacts [1].
Tagged under Land & EnvironmentThrough the recent few decades, there has been a strongly-asserted argument on African countries which are struggling economically and politically. The argument is that their way out of the vicious circle of poverty, debt and dependency is in the ‘market’ way.
Tagged under Governance