If the Western press alone could overthrow a government, Burundi's would be long gone.
- Tagged under Governance Burundi
Western press and officials now warn that the Rwandan massacres of 1994 are close to a replay in Rwanda’s neighbor Burundi, which shares its Hutu-Tutsi-Twa demographic.
Tagged under Human Security RwandaWarring parties in South Sudan’s brutal 20-month civil war signed a peace agreement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on August 26, 2015.
Tagged under Governance South SudanU.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power is on a mission to save Africans from African savagery. She wants you to call 1-800-GENOCIDE so she can pressure the president to send in the Marines or US Special Forces.
Tagged under GovernanceAs Burundian voters went to the polls on Tuesday, the U.S.
Tagged under Food & Health RwandaINTRODUCTION
Tagged under Governance UgandaTRANSCRIPT OF RADIO INTERVIEW
Tagged under ICT, Media & SecurityIn October 2011, President Obama sent 100 U.S. Special Operations Forces into Uganda’s northern region to, he said, help the Ugandan Army protect the people by hunting down Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, commonly known by its acronym, the LRA.
Tagged under Human Security Uganda- Tagged under Governance
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