In these times, many in the Americas and the Caribbean are giving in to geo-political fatalism.
Weekly Submissions
- Tagged under Global South Venezuela Axis of hope
Introductory remarks
Tagged under Pan-Africanism South Africa Decolonisation of the universityFifty years ago, this year from 21-31 July 1969 in the capital of Algeria, thousands of people gathered for a ground-breaking Pan-African Cultural Festival (PACF).
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Pan-African Cultural FestivalThe artist invites art critics to identify the main elements in the piece of art, discuss about the various main themes in the artwork and identify the main medium that is discernible in this piece of art.
Tagged under Arts & Books Sustainable artPerhaps the most revealing statement comes on page 93 where they acknowledge that: “The panel has not agreed on what the vision should be for transformative agrarian reform.” Agrarian reform is the wider economic and social reform of rural society and agriculture that land reform is one important
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reform in South Africa- IntroductionTagged under Human Security South America
Experts, such as Professors Vladimir Shubin and Alexandra Arkhangelskaya, Institute for African Studies in Moscow, have argued that Russia needs to be more strategic in aligning its interests, and be more proactive with instruments and mechanisms in promoting economic cooperation in order to reap
Tagged under Global South Russia-Africa SummitFor Singaporeans, the recipe for their success is the ‘shared vision’ collectively owned by the nation’s leaders with a national zeitgeist to invest in its key resource – its people.
Tagged under Emerging Powers South Africa Emerging South AfricaIf Nigeria survives long enough from the current battering of the country’s ruling class, variants of what was attempted on 5 August may be attempted again and again until a spark leads to a national conflagration or a successful popular revolution resulting from a better conceived, planned and e
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria #RevolutionNowThe decision by South Africa’s newly appointed minister of Justice and Correctional Services, David Lamola, to halt his predecessor’s decision made in May this year to extradite Mozambique’s former Finance minister, Manuel Chang, to Mozambique rather than to the United States of America is open t
Tagged under Economics Mozambique Manuel Chang
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