The UNDP has declared South Africa 39th in their list of hubs of technological development over the globe. The importance of being able to skip over certain developmental stages was emphasised by Rob Adam of the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology. However, he also emphasised that the government needs to be aware of the potential of technology as a tool for devvelopment. In addition, the importance of encouraging tertiary studies in technical and technological fields is urgent.

FreeDevelopers have announced the DotGNU project, a Free Software alternative to Microsoft's .NET. DotGNU has already been endorsed by the Free Software Foundation and accepted as a part of the GNU project. The DotGNU Project (which has a website at http://dotgnu.org) has been started by Free Software developers who are very concerned about what would happen to e-commerce and the freedom of the internet if Microsoft is successful with their plans for a centrali...read more

In embracing the potential of technology in developing countries, The UN Development Programme’s Human Development Report 2001, published this week, has controversially backed the role of genetically modified food crops as a way to alleviate the hunger and poverty of millions in the developing world. GM crops, the report says, can increase yields, significantly reduce the malnutrition that affects 800 million people worldwide, and will be especially valuable to poor farmers working marginal l...read more

Members of the judiciary at the Coast have written to the Chief Justice Bernard Chunga in potest against allegations that the Mombasa Law Courts was a den of graft.

"This historic effort will require leadership, courage and willingness to depart from the ways of the past, if it is to do for Africa what the European Union has done for Europe". Those are the words of Kofi Annan, the secretary-general of the United Nations, himself an African from Ghana. He was speaking about the newly-created African Union (AU) which is to replace the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).
