Africa:CODESRIA/SEPHIS Equity Policy Dialogue
CODESRIA/SEPHIS is pleased to announce its Equity Policy Dialogue 2009 and to invite interested researchers and policy makers to submit abstracts and paper proposals for consideration for presentation at the policy dialogue which is scheduled for 1st - 3rd October in Dakar, Senegal. The policy dialogue will bring together experts, activists and policy makers from all regions of the South.
CODESRIA/SEPHIS Equity Policy Dialogue
Call for Application
CODESRIA/SEPHIS is pleased to announce its Equity Policy Dialogue 2009 and to invite interested researchers and policy makers to submit abstracts and paper proposals for consideration for presentation at the policy dialogue which is scheduled for 1st - 3rd October in Dakar, Senegal. The policy dialogue will bring together experts, activists and policy makers from all regions of the South.
The policy dialogue seeks to facilitate an exchange of ideas between activists, researchers and policy makers on equity issues, improve understanding by generating policy-relevant knowledge on equity issues, promote the use of social science research in policy formulation and the development of methodological tools for evaluating the impact of social and economic development. It is believed that mobilizing the various stake-holders around a specific problem will be an effective means of making research results more operational for policy actors and civil society organizations.
Theme and Contents of the Workshop
The proposed theme for the Equity Policy Dialogue is Corruption: Critical Perspectives from the South. In conventional development discourse, the view is widespread that corruption has an overall corrosive effect on national development as it undermines state capacity to function efficiently and deliver public goods and services. Given the apparent pervasiveness of corruption in different regions of the world, it has become a major policy, political, advocacy and research challenge. While there may be consensus on the severity and consequences of corruption, there is disagreement on how to understand its roots and dynamics, and on the policy solutions for combating it.
Worse is the fact that the voice of the South is not heard in the debate whereas to be useful the debate on corruption requires a critical, nuanced and historicized analysis which takes on board the trajectory of the development experience of Southern countries. The corruption question will certainly benefit from more innovative theoretical/conceptual perspectives and policy interventions that draw upon the experiences of researchers and policy makers from Southern countries and as such provide a more comprehensive basis for understanding its basis, dimension, impact and consequences. It is hoped that the proposed policy dialogue will be seen as an invitation for the pursuit of innovative and imaginative thinking for effective policy-making and meaningful advocacy.
Sub-themes for Papers
1. Conceptual and theoretical approaches to corruption in the South: History, Social Structure, Culture,
2. Leadership, Institutions, State capacity, Civil Society and Corruption in the South
3. Poverty, Social Inequality, and Corruption in the South
4. Globalization, Multinational corporations, International development partners, the Aid regime, and Corruption
5. International, regional and sub-regional frameworks and mechanisms on anti-corruption in South
6. National anti-corruption institutions and programmes;
Eligible to apply to participate in the policy dialogue are senior and junior social science scholars, researchers, civil society activists and decision-makers living and working in the South. A maximum of 15 participants will be invited to participate in the dialogue.
Application procedures
Applications must be written in English. Applications should include the following:
1) a curriculum Vitae (maximum of two pages),
2) an abstract stating clearly the title of the proposed paper, its central theoretical, conceptual and methodological argument(s) and the implications of research results for new theory and policy planning.
Papers will be selected through a two-stage process (abstract & full paper). The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15 May 2009. An international scientific committee will select the successful abstracts by May 30 2009. Successful applicants will be notified immediately after the completion of the selection process. Full papers are to be submitted latest by 15 July 2009. Incomplete and unnecessarily lengthy applications will not be taken into consideration. All faxed and e-mailed applications must also be accompanied by a hard copy original version sent by post if they are to be considered.
Additional information about the Equity Policy Dialogue can be obtained via:
- the CODESRIA web site:
- the SEPHIS web site:
Applications and requests for more information should be sent to:
CODESRIA/SEPHIS Equity Policy Dialogue
Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, angle Canal IV
B.P. 3304, Dakar, CP 18524 Senegal
Fax: (221) 33 824 12 89
Tel: (221) 33 825 98 22/23
E-Mail: [email][email protected]