Africa: Expert - Sudan ICT market analysis and study
The scope of the study is to perform an ICT market analysis for all ICT services - in economic and technical dimensions. The economic factors to be considered are liberalization, competition, profitability, investment, contribution to GDP, poverty reduction as well as issues about sovereignty and equity. The major technical factors are ICT infrastructure-investment and set-up/roll out, digital divide, spectrum availability, numbering capacity, interconnection, and Internet exchange point. The study should also assess the current policy and laws challenges, opportunities and shortcomings. Application deadline is 28 February 2008.
Application deadline: 28 February 2008
Contract duration: 35 man-days
Company: Danish Management A/S ( for IGAD (under the COMESA/RICTSP:
Objectives of the Assignment:
The ICT market in Sudan is growing fast. Therefore, the objectives are to analyze and assess the market powers, gaps and ICT sector contribution to GDP as well as the rationale for opening the market in the future.
Scope of the Assignment:
The scope of the study is to perform an ICT market analysis for all ICT services - in economic and technical dimensions. The economic factors to be considered are liberalization, competition, profitability, investment, contribution to GDP, poverty reduction as well as issues about sovereignty and equity. The major technical factors are ICT infrastructure-investment and set-up/roll out, digital divide, spectrum availability, numbering capacity, interconnection, and Internet exchange point. The study should also assess the current policy and laws challenges, opportunities and shortcomings. (see tasks in ToR)
Expected Results:
Final report to include the following:
a. Analysis of fixed, mobile, Internet, and added value services market;
b. Results of implementing the ICT strategy;
c. Financial analysis on ICT services income to the Government and contribution to GDP;
d. Analysis of the competition and liberalisation of the ICT market and market power;
e. Asset and investment made in the ICT market as well as the market capital;
f. ICT infrastructure capacity, technology and reliability as well as digital divide between rural and urban areas and the region;
g. ICT services coverage and tariffs;
h. Proposals on institutions, mechanisms and means to facilitate the development of the ICT sector; ;
i. Proposal on cyber city or smart village;
j. Indication of direct and indirect jobs created by the ICT sector. AND
k. Recommendations to address the findings of the study with an implementation action plan for the recommendations.
Location of the Assignment:
Djibouti (IGAD) and Sudan
Indicative Input: 35 man-days
The expert should at best hold a PhD or MSc in Economics and have:
(i) Previous experience of similar consultancy work;
(ii) At least ten years experience in ICT market analysis and business development, and reasonable practical experience on policy and regulatory framework;
(iii) Being an economist of international reputation with relevant experience in the ICT sector;
(iv) Knowledge of, and experience in, the ICT sector, including costing, tariffs, policy and regulation;
(v) Experience in working with government officials is an asset;
(vi) Relevant skills and experience in ICT sector market analysis, competition, policy and regulations and be familiar with international best practices in such issues;
(vii) Excellent written and oral communications skills in English.
Eligibility (who can apply?):
EU citizens and citizens from: Angola, Burundi, DR Congo, Malawi, Rwanda, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan AND citizens of the ACP member states:
Background information:
Republic of Sudan / National Telecommunication Corporation:
Ministry of Science and Technology/ Sudan:
National Information Centre:
Ministry of Investment:
If you find the position of interest and your - or your proposed experts - profile complies with the stated criteria, please contact us immediately and send us a short professional presentation of yourself and an updated CV with relevant similar experience (stating your age, nationality, languages spoken, education and exactly in what you are an expert). Send your application to: [email][email protected] NB: Only shortlisted candidates will receive notice.
Regional Information & Communications
Technologies Support Programme (RICTSP)
Proposed Start Date: 1 March 2008
Submitted: January 2008
I. Introduction
1. Information and knowledge are fundamental resources for economic and social development and regional integration. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) foster the development process by creating new opportunities in investment, trade, labor market, increase people’s income potential and improve the living conditions of the poor. The role of ICT in the growth process differs between countries based on their income level among other factors. Studies proved a positive correlation between ICT investment and increased productivity and competitiveness. With correct policies and regulatory environment, telecommunications has long been understood as an enabler of economic growth and development. It has increasingly been viewed not only as a significant sector within the economy by itself, but also a vital service to business and industry more generally.
2. In March 2003, Khartoum, Sudan, the COMESA Council of Ministers and the Summit of Heads States adopted the COMESA ICT Policy and Model Information and Communications Bill and urged Member States to utilise them in reforming and modernising their policy and legislation where this has not been done. The IGAD Secretariat, based on Memorandum of Understanding with COMESA, is taking on a role to facilitate the implementation of ICT reform by States and develop a programme where necessary to assist Member States in identifying changes that may be made to their policy, legislation, regulations and capacity building. That will enable Member States to have proper climate for investment
3. The ICT market in Sudan is presently occupied by 2 fixed operators, namely Sudatel and Canar and three mobile operators, namely MTN, Zain and Sudani (it belong to Sudatel). Each of the four companies has a gateway. The gateways for MTN and Zain are for their own traffic while Canar and Sudatel can carry traffic for other operators.
4. The market analysis will assist Sudan Government especially NTC in its decision making and policy in relation to open it for new players. The study will cover fixed and mobile telecommunications, internet services and IT markets. The study will be carried out with a particular focus on the economic and technical aspects of the issue, and identifies the essential factors that ought to be taken into account, together with the recommendations, formulated upon the analysis of these factors.
II. Objectives
The ICT market in Sudan is growing fast. Therefore, the objectives are to analyze and assess the market powers, gaps and ICT sector contribution to GDP as well as the rationale for opening the market in the future.
In addition to the objectives mentioned above the Ministry of Information and Communication (ICT) has taken notice of the following issues which should be considered in carrying out the study:
a) The high level dynamism of the ICT sector;
b) The impact that convergence is having in the local market;
c) The communications sector in Sudan has changed significantly over the past few years, e.g. new players in the market, introduction of new technologies and services;
d) The increase of competition in some segments and the lack of competition in other segments of the local market;
e) The wide recognition of the increasing role that ICT has and should have in the country’s social, economic and cultural development;
f) The international trend of allowing services providers to operate in a competitive environment with minimal regulatory intervention, except where competition is lacking;
g) No operator(s) should be allowed to control the ICT market; and
h) There have not been significant changes to the regulatory framework since the enactment of the Telecommunications Act, 2001 to specifically handle the above issues.
III. Consultancy Services
III.I Scope of work
The scope of the study is to cover the ICT market analysis for all ICT services taking it in economic and technical dimensions. The economic factors to be considered are liberalization, competition, profitability, investment, contribution to GDP, poverty reduction as well as issues about sovereignty and equity. The major technical factors are ICT infrastructure- investment and setup, digital divide, spectrum availability, numbering capacity, interconnection, and Internet exchange point. The study should also assess the current policy and laws challenges, opportunity and shortcomings.
III.II Tasks
In order to meet the objectives of the assignment, the Consultant will be required to carry out the following activities:
a) Analyse the fixed, mobile, Internet, and added value services market including the un-fulfilled demand;
b) Assess the implementing the ICT strategy, policy and regulations;
c) Carry out financial analysis on ICT services income to the Government and contribution to GDP;
d) Analyse the competition and liberalisation of the ICT market and the current market powers;
e) Analyse the investment made in the ICT market as well as the market capital;
f) Analyse ICT infrastructure capacity, technology and reliability as well as digital divide between rural and urban areas and the region;
g) Evaluate ICT services coverage and tariffs;
h) Make proposals on institutions, mechanisms and means to facilitate the development of the ICT sector; ;
i) Make proposal on cyber city or smart village; and
j) Analyse the customer benefits, direct and indirect jobs created by the ICT sector and contribution to poverty reduction; and
k) Analyse the findings of the study and propose an implementation action plan of the recommendations.
The expected result is a report including the following:
a. Analysis of fixed, mobile, Internet, and added value services market;
b. Results of implementing the ICT strategy;
c. Financial analysis on ICT services income to the Government and contribution to GDP;
d. Analysis of the competition and liberalisation of the ICT market and market power;
e. Asset and investment made in the ICT market as well as the market capital;
f. ICT infrastructure capacity, technology and reliability as well as digital divide between rural and urban areas and the region;
g. ICT services coverage and tariffs;
h. Proposals on institutions, mechanisms and means to facilitate the development of the ICT sector; ;
i. Proposal on cyber city or smart village; and
j. Indication of direct and indirect jobs created by the ICT sector.
k. Recommendations to address the findings of the study with an implementation action plan for the recommendations.
The assignment shall commence immediately upon signing of the Contract by the Short-Term Expert. The duration of the assignment is thirty five (35) man-days that will span over two and half calendar months. It is anticipated that during this period the Short-Term Expert will be able to conduct consultations with the key stakeholders. It is advised that the STE emphasizes a participatory approach in involving individuals from various organizations.
The Short-Term Expert will initiate the assignment at the IGAD Head Quarters in Djibouti. During the assignment, the Short-Term Expert will undertake two missions to Khartoum, Sudan.
Indicative inputs in terms of man-days are as follows:
Days of STE’s preparations 3 days
Days at IGAD Headquarters 2 days
Days of travel 2 days
Days in Sudan (1st Mission) 7 days
Days for work from home 11 days
Days in Sudan (2nd Mission presenting the report to the
National workshop) 5 days
Days of final report 5 days
Total number of man-days 35days
The following is an indicative time schedule for carrying out the assignment:
Week1: Preparations & Travel
Travel to IGAD Headquarters
Travel to Sudan
Week2: Meetings & Interviews with Stakeholders in Khartoum, Sudan; collect information & data
Travel back home
First Draft of the report and the recommendations
Week3 – week4: Circulate Draft Report
Feedback from Stakeholders and IGAD
Second Draft of the report and the recommendations
Circulate second Draft of Report
Travel to Sudan
Week5: Present the 1st draft to stakeholders’ national validation workshop
Travel Back home
Week6: Incorporate Workshop comments and recommendations
Submit the Sudan ICT market study final report and study recommendations.
A highly competent and skilled consultant is required. An expert should have a PhD or MSc in Economics.
The Consultants should have the following experience and submit proof of it:
(i) Previous experience of similar consultancy work;
(ii) At least ten years experience in ICT market analysis and business development, and reasonable practical experience on policy and regulatory framework.
(iii) Being an economist of international repute with relevant experience in the ICT sector;
(iv) Knowledge of, and experience in, the ICT sector, including costing, tariffs, policy and regulation;
(v) Experience in working with government officials is an asset;
(vi) Relevant skills and experience in ICT sector market analysis, competition, policy and regulations and be familiar with international best practices in such issues;
(vii) Excellent written and oral communications skills in English.