Africa: ADF Regional Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict 2008

Call for applications

Africa Democracy Forum is pleased to announce its Regional Training Program on Nonviolent conflict from 21st -26th April 2008 in Nairobi Kenya. This training will be organized in partnership with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (Washington DC,USA) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). Participants in this proposed workshop will gain both practical skills, theoretical and historical knowledge about the use of strategic nonviolent action to advance human rights, justice and accountable governance.

Africa Democracy Forum Building Democracy for Peace, Development, and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-0010 0
Kenya Human Rights Commission
Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,

Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 25th April 2008
Deadline for Applications 20 March 2008

Call for Application

Africa Democracy Forum is pleased to announce its Regional Training Program on Nonviolent conflict from 21st -26th April 2008 in Nairobi Kenya.
This training will be organized in partnership with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (Washington DC,USA) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).


The African Democracy Forum (ADF) is an African regional network of democracy, human rights, and governance organizations, affiliated to the World Movement for Democracy at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC. The ADF seeks to consolidate democracy in Africa by providing opportunities for democrats to openly express their views while also acting as a platform for mutual support and the sharing of resources.
Over 340 organizations and individuals working on democracy issues in Africa currently participate in the ADF activities. The Secretariat is hosted by Kenya Human Rights Commission in Nairobi Kenya.


Training Program.
The ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the all the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Participants in this proposed workshop will gain both practical skills, theoretical and historical knowledge about the use of strategic nonviolent action to advance human rights, justice and accountable governance.
The proposed program aims to empower young democracy activists in African post conflict and transitional countries with practical skills and knowledge in order to make them more effective in promoting rights through engaging in nonviolent civic action in the region and to prepare them for future leadership roles. The objectives of the program are as follows:
- To provide young African democracy activists with historical case studies of successful nonviolent action;
- To learn and watch the diverse experiences collected and assumed by the International Center on Non Violent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies,
- To educate participants about nonviolent theory and its applications; and
- To provide knowledge about strategy, principles and organizational considerations of nonviolent struggle.

The workshop will provide opportunities to connect with other young activists, share their field experiences, learn about the openly discuss and analyze cases studies of nonviolent action around the world, including other parts of Africa.

The training program intends to bring up 30 participants (between 20-35 years of age) from all the Regions of Africa, particularly from war-torn, post conflict and transitional countries, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Thad, as well as countries that have been experiencing relatively successful democratization, such as South Africa and Ghana.
Applicants must have an affiliation with a civil society organization working on Nonviolent Conflict, Conflict resolution, peace building, democracy, Human Rights and Conflict resolution -related issues in Africa. Applicants are expected to have at least 2 years of work experience their respective countries.

ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Rationale for the Program.
Many countries in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire have been suffering from violent conflicts, mostly intra-state conflicts (i.e., inter-ethnic conflicts), for several decades. Many conflicts have been prolonged by the absence of democratic political leadership and structures that would accommodate political voices, protect civil rights, and respect the rule of law. Young people have suffered the most from violent conflict and have been the most disempowered. Many have been forcibly conscripted as child-soldiers and have not experienced a normal childhood or education. Growing up in a period of conflict, many young people have never experienced democracy or had any democratic leaders to look up to. Despite their discouraging environments, however, many young Africans have engaged in various activities to effect positive change in their countries. Empowering young activists with knowledge and skills, and developing their capacity for future leadership, would help resolve and prevent violent conflict and promote citizen participation through nonviolent action in Africa.

While many organizations and activist groups throughout Africa have engaged in conflict-resolution projects, and while youth organizations have certainly not been exceptions, many of those projects have not fully taken into account the link between nonviolent struggle and sustainable democracy.
Previous projects have focused mainly on developing personal peer-mediation and negotiation skills, such as nonviolent means for young people in schools and universities to solve their own disputes. They mostly aim to train participants to become experts in those skills.

Participants will be young activists working on such issues as human rights, the rule of law, and civic education. They will study the causes of conflict but, just as importantly, will also examine how their own community activities—defending human rights, fighting for social justice, and calling for the rule of law — puts pressure on governments to respond to citizens’ demands for basic justice, rights and freedom.

Participants will also have important opportunities to exchange their ideas and experiences in the course of the workshop, as well as in such informal settings as lunches, dinners, and film screenings. Participants will develop contacts to continue their discussions and hopefully to develop collaborative efforts for advancing their issues in the region.
Becoming active members in both the Youth Movement for Democracy and the Africa Democracy Forum will be an additional benefit of participation.
Participants will be included in the networks’ e-mail discussion lists and will be invited to participate in future activities.

Venue. Nairobi, Kenya,

The training program will run for five days, and sessions will be conducted and facilitated by veteran activists of past civilian nonviolent struggles.
Workshop coordinators will be the staff of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).
- 1ST day : History of Nonviolent Action
- 2nd day: Setting Your Vision of Tomorrow
- 3rd day: Models and Sources of Power; Methods of Action
- 4th day: Planning, Communications and Creating Audience Impact
- 5th day: Managing a Nonviolent Movement The workshop will conclude with a session in which participants will discuss possible follow-up activities using the skills they have learned in the course of the program. Such follow-up activities could include collaborative projects among participants, but also the subsequent training programs at the local level that they themselves will be encouraged to conduct upon their return home.

Expected Outcomes.
• Participants constitute an African Regional group of Trainers of Trainers on Nonviolent Conflict and a substantial database for all ADF follow up activities surrounding this issue,
• Participants will develop draft follow-up activities, such as small workshops/training programs, in their respective communities. The follow-up activities will strengthen civil society networks by introducing them to the field of nonviolent conflict.
• Strengthening a network of African young leaders committed to Non Violent struggle. The network will serve as a peer-review and teaching mechanism by evaluating each other’s activities and sharing information and experiences.
• An African regional Network for Nonviolent Action will be created to highlight African participant’s work as well as act as a resource and knowledge base for practitioners and trainers in Africa and elsewhere. This knowledge base will include access to training materials, grant information, scholarship information, scholarly publication material, and project ideas on reconstruction, dialogue, democracy good governance, and reconciliation models.

Partners and Sponsors
This program is hosted by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), in coordination with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC).
ADF would like to present its deep gratitude to these two partners for their support in making possible this program in Africa.
For questions, please contact:
Coordinator Africa Democracy Forum
Gitanga Raod,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Cell. + 254 07 22 66 53 76
Tel: + 254 020 38 74 998/9
Fax: + 254 020 38 74 99 7


Africa Democracy Forum
Building Democracy for Peace, Development,
and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley ArcadeP.O Box 41079-0010 0Kenya Human Rights Commission Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,Kenya

Regional Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict

Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 26th April 2008

(Please type or print neatly in English.)

Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than 20th March 2008
Email to [email][email protected] or FAX: +254 20 38 74 997

Last/Family Name: ___________________________________

First/Given Name: ____________________________________

Citizenship: _________________________________________

Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): _________________________ Sex: __Male __Female



Country: ______________________________________________

Tel:________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail address:____________________________________________

Personal Statement: Please submit a personal statement of interest along with this form. The statement of approximately 500 words should indicate how this program would benefit your activities in your community or country and include any previous personal and professional experiences, particularly in Nonviolent Conflict activities.

The statement should also suggest post-training/follow-up activities that you would initiate and engage in your own community and/or country.

Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required, and they should be sent directly to [email][email protected] or +254 20 38 74 997 (fax) by your referees. Please indicate below the name and institutional affiliation of your referee writing a recommendation letter.

Name: ____________________Affiliation:______________________

Name: _______________________Affiliation:___________________

Africa Democracy Forum Building Democracy for Peace, Development, and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-0010 0
Kenya Human Rights Commission
Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,

Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 25th April 2008
Deadline for Applications 20 March 2008

Call for Application

Africa Democracy Forum is pleased to announce its Regional Training Program on Nonviolent conflict from 21st -26th April 2008 in Nairobi Kenya.
This training will be organized in partnership with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (Washington DC,USA) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).


The African Democracy Forum (ADF) is an African regional network of democracy, human rights, and governance organizations, affiliated to the World Movement for Democracy at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC. The ADF seeks to consolidate democracy in Africa by providing opportunities for democrats to openly express their views while also acting as a platform for mutual support and the sharing of resources.
Over 340 organizations and individuals working on democracy issues in Africa currently participate in the ADF activities. The Secretariat is hosted by Kenya Human Rights Commission in Nairobi Kenya.


Training Program.
The ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the all the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Participants in this proposed workshop will gain both practical skills, theoretical and historical knowledge about the use of strategic nonviolent action to advance human rights, justice and accountable governance.
The proposed program aims to empower young democracy activists in African post conflict and transitional countries with practical skills and knowledge in order to make them more effective in promoting rights through engaging in nonviolent civic action in the region and to prepare them for future leadership roles. The objectives of the program are as follows:
- To provide young African democracy activists with historical case studies of successful nonviolent action;
- To learn and watch the diverse experiences collected and assumed by the International Center on Non Violent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies,
- To educate participants about nonviolent theory and its applications; and
- To provide knowledge about strategy, principles and organizational considerations of nonviolent struggle.

The workshop will provide opportunities to connect with other young activists, share their field experiences, learn about the openly discuss and analyze cases studies of nonviolent action around the world, including other parts of Africa.

The training program intends to bring up 30 participants (between 20-35 years of age) from all the Regions of Africa, particularly from war-torn, post conflict and transitional countries, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Thad, as well as countries that have been experiencing relatively successful democratization, such as South Africa and Ghana.
Applicants must have an affiliation with a civil society organization working on Nonviolent Conflict, Conflict resolution, peace building, democracy, Human Rights and Conflict resolution -related issues in Africa. Applicants are expected to have at least 2 years of work experience their respective countries.

ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Rationale for the Program.
Many countries in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire have been suffering from violent conflicts, mostly intra-state conflicts (i.e., inter-ethnic conflicts), for several decades. Many conflicts have been prolonged by the absence of democratic political leadership and structures that would accommodate political voices, protect civil rights, and respect the rule of law. Young people have suffered the most from violent conflict and have been the most disempowered. Many have been forcibly conscripted as child-soldiers and have not experienced a normal childhood or education. Growing up in a period of conflict, many young people have never experienced democracy or had any democratic leaders to look up to. Despite their discouraging environments, however, many young Africans have engaged in various activities to effect positive change in their countries. Empowering young activists with knowledge and skills, and developing their capacity for future leadership, would help resolve and prevent violent conflict and promote citizen participation through nonviolent action in Africa.

While many organizations and activist groups throughout Africa have engaged in conflict-resolution projects, and while youth organizations have certainly not been exceptions, many of those projects have not fully taken into account the link between nonviolent struggle and sustainable democracy.
Previous projects have focused mainly on developing personal peer-mediation and negotiation skills, such as nonviolent means for young people in schools and universities to solve their own disputes. They mostly aim to train participants to become experts in those skills.

Participants will be young activists working on such issues as human rights, the rule of law, and civic education. They will study the causes of conflict but, just as importantly, will also examine how their own community activities—defending human rights, fighting for social justice, and calling for the rule of law — puts pressure on governments to respond to citizens’ demands for basic justice, rights and freedom.

Participants will also have important opportunities to exchange their ideas and experiences in the course of the workshop, as well as in such informal settings as lunches, dinners, and film screenings. Participants will develop contacts to continue their discussions and hopefully to develop collaborative efforts for advancing their issues in the region.
Becoming active members in both the Youth Movement for Democracy and the Africa Democracy Forum will be an additional benefit of participation.
Participants will be included in the networks’ e-mail discussion lists and will be invited to participate in future activities.

Venue. Nairobi, Kenya,

The training program will run for five days, and sessions will be conducted and facilitated by veteran activists of past civilian nonviolent struggles.
Workshop coordinators will be the staff of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).
- 1ST day : History of Nonviolent Action
- 2nd day: Setting Your Vision of Tomorrow
- 3rd day: Models and Sources of Power; Methods of Action
- 4th day: Planning, Communications and Creating Audience Impact
- 5th day: Managing a Nonviolent Movement The workshop will conclude with a session in which participants will discuss possible follow-up activities using the skills they have learned in the course of the program. Such follow-up activities could include collaborative projects among participants, but also the subsequent training programs at the local level that they themselves will be encouraged to conduct upon their return home.

Expected Outcomes.
• Participants constitute an African Regional group of Trainers of Trainers on Nonviolent Conflict and a substantial database for all ADF follow up activities surrounding this issue,
• Participants will develop draft follow-up activities, such as small workshops/training programs, in their respective communities. The follow-up activities will strengthen civil society networks by introducing them to the field of nonviolent conflict.
• Strengthening a network of African young leaders committed to Non Violent struggle. The network will serve as a peer-review and teaching mechanism by evaluating each other’s activities and sharing information and experiences.
• An African regional Network for Nonviolent Action will be created to highlight African participant’s work as well as act as a resource and knowledge base for practitioners and trainers in Africa and elsewhere. This knowledge base will include access to training materials, grant information, scholarship information, scholarly publication material, and project ideas on reconstruction, dialogue, democracy good governance, and reconciliation models.

Partners and Sponsors
This program is hosted by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), in coordination with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC).
ADF would like to present its deep gratitude to these two partners for their support in making possible this program in Africa.
For questions, please contact:
Coordinator Africa Democracy Forum
Gitanga Raod,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Cell. + 254 07 22 66 53 76
Tel: + 254 020 38 74 998/9
Fax: + 254 020 38 74 99 7


Africa Democracy Forum
Building Democracy for Peace, Development,
and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley ArcadeP.O Box 41079-0010 0Kenya Human Rights Commission Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,Kenya

Regional Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict

Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 26th April 2008

(Please type or print neatly in English.)

Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than 20th March 2008
Email to [email][email protected] or FAX: +254 20 38 74 997

Last/Family Name: ___________________________________

First/Given Name: ____________________________________

Citizenship: _________________________________________

Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): _________________________ Sex: __Male __Female



Country: ______________________________________________

Tel:________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail address:____________________________________________

Personal Statement: Please submit a personal statement of interest along with this form. The statement of approximately 500 words should indicate how this program would benefit your activities in your community or country and include any previous personal and professional experiences, particularly in Nonviolent Conflict activities.

The statement should also suggest post-training/follow-up activities that you would initiate and engage in your own community and/or country.

Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required, and they should be sent directly to [email][email protected] or +254 20 38 74 997 (fax) by your referees. Please indicate below the name and institutional affiliation of your referee writing a recommendation letter.

Name: ____________________Affiliation:______________________

Name: _______________________Affiliation:___________________

Africa Democracy Forum Building Democracy for Peace, Development, and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-0010 0
Kenya Human Rights Commission
Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,

Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 25th April 2008
Deadline for Applications 20 March 2008

Call for Application

Africa Democracy Forum is pleased to announce its Regional Training Program on Nonviolent conflict from 21st -26th April 2008 in Nairobi Kenya.
This training will be organized in partnership with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (Washington DC,USA) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).


The African Democracy Forum (ADF) is an African regional network of democracy, human rights, and governance organizations, affiliated to the World Movement for Democracy at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC. The ADF seeks to consolidate democracy in Africa by providing opportunities for democrats to openly express their views while also acting as a platform for mutual support and the sharing of resources.
Over 340 organizations and individuals working on democracy issues in Africa currently participate in the ADF activities. The Secretariat is hosted by Kenya Human Rights Commission in Nairobi Kenya.


Training Program.
The ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the all the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Participants in this proposed workshop will gain both practical skills, theoretical and historical knowledge about the use of strategic nonviolent action to advance human rights, justice and accountable governance.
The proposed program aims to empower young democracy activists in African post conflict and transitional countries with practical skills and knowledge in order to make them more effective in promoting rights through engaging in nonviolent civic action in the region and to prepare them for future leadership roles. The objectives of the program are as follows:
- To provide young African democracy activists with historical case studies of successful nonviolent action;
- To learn and watch the diverse experiences collected and assumed by the International Center on Non Violent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies,
- To educate participants about nonviolent theory and its applications; and
- To provide knowledge about strategy, principles and organizational considerations of nonviolent struggle.

The workshop will provide opportunities to connect with other young activists, share their field experiences, learn about the openly discuss and analyze cases studies of nonviolent action around the world, including other parts of Africa.

The training program intends to bring up 30 participants (between 20-35 years of age) from all the Regions of Africa, particularly from war-torn, post conflict and transitional countries, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Thad, as well as countries that have been experiencing relatively successful democratization, such as South Africa and Ghana.
Applicants must have an affiliation with a civil society organization working on Nonviolent Conflict, Conflict resolution, peace building, democracy, Human Rights and Conflict resolution -related issues in Africa. Applicants are expected to have at least 2 years of work experience their respective countries.

ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Rationale for the Program.
Many countries in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire have been suffering from violent conflicts, mostly intra-state conflicts (i.e., inter-ethnic conflicts), for several decades. Many conflicts have been prolonged by the absence of democratic political leadership and structures that would accommodate political voices, protect civil rights, and respect the rule of law. Young people have suffered the most from violent conflict and have been the most disempowered. Many have been forcibly conscripted as child-soldiers and have not experienced a normal childhood or education. Growing up in a period of conflict, many young people have never experienced democracy or had any democratic leaders to look up to. Despite their discouraging environments, however, many young Africans have engaged in various activities to effect positive change in their countries. Empowering young activists with knowledge and skills, and developing their capacity for future leadership, would help resolve and prevent violent conflict and promote citizen participation through nonviolent action in Africa.

While many organizations and activist groups throughout Africa have engaged in conflict-resolution projects, and while youth organizations have certainly not been exceptions, many of those projects have not fully taken into account the link between nonviolent struggle and sustainable democracy.
Previous projects have focused mainly on developing personal peer-mediation and negotiation skills, such as nonviolent means for young people in schools and universities to solve their own disputes. They mostly aim to train participants to become experts in those skills.

Participants will be young activists working on such issues as human rights, the rule of law, and civic education. They will study the causes of conflict but, just as importantly, will also examine how their own community activities—defending human rights, fighting for social justice, and calling for the rule of law — puts pressure on governments to respond to citizens’ demands for basic justice, rights and freedom.

Participants will also have important opportunities to exchange their ideas and experiences in the course of the workshop, as well as in such informal settings as lunches, dinners, and film screenings. Participants will develop contacts to continue their discussions and hopefully to develop collaborative efforts for advancing their issues in the region.
Becoming active members in both the Youth Movement for Democracy and the Africa Democracy Forum will be an additional benefit of participation.
Participants will be included in the networks’ e-mail discussion lists and will be invited to participate in future activities.

Venue. Nairobi, Kenya,

The training program will run for five days, and sessions will be conducted and facilitated by veteran activists of past civilian nonviolent struggles.
Workshop coordinators will be the staff of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).
- 1ST day : History of Nonviolent Action
- 2nd day: Setting Your Vision of Tomorrow
- 3rd day: Models and Sources of Power; Methods of Action
- 4th day: Planning, Communications and Creating Audience Impact
- 5th day: Managing a Nonviolent Movement The workshop will conclude with a session in which participants will discuss possible follow-up activities using the skills they have learned in the course of the program. Such follow-up activities could include collaborative projects among participants, but also the subsequent training programs at the local level that they themselves will be encouraged to conduct upon their return home.

Expected Outcomes.
• Participants constitute an African Regional group of Trainers of Trainers on Nonviolent Conflict and a substantial database for all ADF follow up activities surrounding this issue,
• Participants will develop draft follow-up activities, such as small workshops/training programs, in their respective communities. The follow-up activities will strengthen civil society networks by introducing them to the field of nonviolent conflict.
• Strengthening a network of African young leaders committed to Non Violent struggle. The network will serve as a peer-review and teaching mechanism by evaluating each other’s activities and sharing information and experiences.
• An African regional Network for Nonviolent Action will be created to highlight African participant’s work as well as act as a resource and knowledge base for practitioners and trainers in Africa and elsewhere. This knowledge base will include access to training materials, grant information, scholarship information, scholarly publication material, and project ideas on reconstruction, dialogue, democracy good governance, and reconciliation models.

Partners and Sponsors
This program is hosted by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), in coordination with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC).
ADF would like to present its deep gratitude to these two partners for their support in making possible this program in Africa.
For questions, please contact:
Coordinator Africa Democracy Forum
Gitanga Raod,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Cell. + 254 07 22 66 53 76
Tel: + 254 020 38 74 998/9
Fax: + 254 020 38 74 99 7


Africa Democracy Forum
Building Democracy for Peace, Development,
and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley ArcadeP.O Box 41079-0010 0Kenya Human Rights Commission Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,Kenya

Regional Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict

Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 26th April 2008

(Please type or print neatly in English.)

Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than 20th March 2008
Email to [email][email protected] or FAX: +254 20 38 74 997

Last/Family Name: ___________________________________

First/Given Name: ____________________________________

Citizenship: _________________________________________

Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): _________________________ Sex: __Male __Female



Country: ______________________________________________

Tel:________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail address:____________________________________________

Personal Statement: Please submit a personal statement of interest along with this form. The statement of approximately 500 words should indicate how this program would benefit your activities in your community or country and include any previous personal and professional experiences, particularly in Nonviolent Conflict activities.

The statement should also suggest post-training/follow-up activities that you would initiate and engage in your own community and/or country.

Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required, and they should be sent directly to [email][email protected] or +254 20 38 74 997 (fax) by your referees. Please indicate below the name and institutional affiliation of your referee writing a recommendation letter.

Name: ____________________Affiliation:______________________

Name: _______________________Affiliation:___________________

Africa Democracy Forum Building Democracy for Peace, Development, and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-0010 0
Kenya Human Rights Commission
Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,

Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 25th April 2008
Deadline for Applications 20 March 2008

Call for Application

Africa Democracy Forum is pleased to announce its Regional Training Program on Nonviolent conflict from 21st -26th April 2008 in Nairobi Kenya.
This training will be organized in partnership with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (Washington DC,USA) and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).


The African Democracy Forum (ADF) is an African regional network of democracy, human rights, and governance organizations, affiliated to the World Movement for Democracy at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC. The ADF seeks to consolidate democracy in Africa by providing opportunities for democrats to openly express their views while also acting as a platform for mutual support and the sharing of resources.
Over 340 organizations and individuals working on democracy issues in Africa currently participate in the ADF activities. The Secretariat is hosted by Kenya Human Rights Commission in Nairobi Kenya.


Training Program.
The ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the all the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Participants in this proposed workshop will gain both practical skills, theoretical and historical knowledge about the use of strategic nonviolent action to advance human rights, justice and accountable governance.
The proposed program aims to empower young democracy activists in African post conflict and transitional countries with practical skills and knowledge in order to make them more effective in promoting rights through engaging in nonviolent civic action in the region and to prepare them for future leadership roles. The objectives of the program are as follows:
- To provide young African democracy activists with historical case studies of successful nonviolent action;
- To learn and watch the diverse experiences collected and assumed by the International Center on Non Violent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies,
- To educate participants about nonviolent theory and its applications; and
- To provide knowledge about strategy, principles and organizational considerations of nonviolent struggle.

The workshop will provide opportunities to connect with other young activists, share their field experiences, learn about the openly discuss and analyze cases studies of nonviolent action around the world, including other parts of Africa.

The training program intends to bring up 30 participants (between 20-35 years of age) from all the Regions of Africa, particularly from war-torn, post conflict and transitional countries, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Thad, as well as countries that have been experiencing relatively successful democratization, such as South Africa and Ghana.
Applicants must have an affiliation with a civil society organization working on Nonviolent Conflict, Conflict resolution, peace building, democracy, Human Rights and Conflict resolution -related issues in Africa. Applicants are expected to have at least 2 years of work experience their respective countries.

ADF will cover economy-class round-trip airfares and accommodation for the training period for successful applicants. For those who might be able to cover their own expenses, ADF will provide essential documents to facilitate their participation if selected.

Rationale for the Program.
Many countries in Africa, such as Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, D R Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire have been suffering from violent conflicts, mostly intra-state conflicts (i.e., inter-ethnic conflicts), for several decades. Many conflicts have been prolonged by the absence of democratic political leadership and structures that would accommodate political voices, protect civil rights, and respect the rule of law. Young people have suffered the most from violent conflict and have been the most disempowered. Many have been forcibly conscripted as child-soldiers and have not experienced a normal childhood or education. Growing up in a period of conflict, many young people have never experienced democracy or had any democratic leaders to look up to. Despite their discouraging environments, however, many young Africans have engaged in various activities to effect positive change in their countries. Empowering young activists with knowledge and skills, and developing their capacity for future leadership, would help resolve and prevent violent conflict and promote citizen participation through nonviolent action in Africa.

While many organizations and activist groups throughout Africa have engaged in conflict-resolution projects, and while youth organizations have certainly not been exceptions, many of those projects have not fully taken into account the link between nonviolent struggle and sustainable democracy.
Previous projects have focused mainly on developing personal peer-mediation and negotiation skills, such as nonviolent means for young people in schools and universities to solve their own disputes. They mostly aim to train participants to become experts in those skills.

Participants will be young activists working on such issues as human rights, the rule of law, and civic education. They will study the causes of conflict but, just as importantly, will also examine how their own community activities—defending human rights, fighting for social justice, and calling for the rule of law — puts pressure on governments to respond to citizens’ demands for basic justice, rights and freedom.

Participants will also have important opportunities to exchange their ideas and experiences in the course of the workshop, as well as in such informal settings as lunches, dinners, and film screenings. Participants will develop contacts to continue their discussions and hopefully to develop collaborative efforts for advancing their issues in the region.
Becoming active members in both the Youth Movement for Democracy and the Africa Democracy Forum will be an additional benefit of participation.
Participants will be included in the networks’ e-mail discussion lists and will be invited to participate in future activities.

Venue. Nairobi, Kenya,

The training program will run for five days, and sessions will be conducted and facilitated by veteran activists of past civilian nonviolent struggles.
Workshop coordinators will be the staff of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict and the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS).
- 1ST day : History of Nonviolent Action
- 2nd day: Setting Your Vision of Tomorrow
- 3rd day: Models and Sources of Power; Methods of Action
- 4th day: Planning, Communications and Creating Audience Impact
- 5th day: Managing a Nonviolent Movement The workshop will conclude with a session in which participants will discuss possible follow-up activities using the skills they have learned in the course of the program. Such follow-up activities could include collaborative projects among participants, but also the subsequent training programs at the local level that they themselves will be encouraged to conduct upon their return home.

Expected Outcomes.
• Participants constitute an African Regional group of Trainers of Trainers on Nonviolent Conflict and a substantial database for all ADF follow up activities surrounding this issue,
• Participants will develop draft follow-up activities, such as small workshops/training programs, in their respective communities. The follow-up activities will strengthen civil society networks by introducing them to the field of nonviolent conflict.
• Strengthening a network of African young leaders committed to Non Violent struggle. The network will serve as a peer-review and teaching mechanism by evaluating each other’s activities and sharing information and experiences.
• An African regional Network for Nonviolent Action will be created to highlight African participant’s work as well as act as a resource and knowledge base for practitioners and trainers in Africa and elsewhere. This knowledge base will include access to training materials, grant information, scholarship information, scholarly publication material, and project ideas on reconstruction, dialogue, democracy good governance, and reconciliation models.

Partners and Sponsors
This program is hosted by the Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), in coordination with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC).
ADF would like to present its deep gratitude to these two partners for their support in making possible this program in Africa.
For questions, please contact:
Coordinator Africa Democracy Forum
Gitanga Raod,Valley Arcade
P.O Box 41079-00100 Nairobi Kenya
Cell. + 254 07 22 66 53 76
Tel: + 254 020 38 74 998/9
Fax: + 254 020 38 74 99 7


Africa Democracy Forum
Building Democracy for Peace, Development,
and Human Rights in Africa
Gitanga Road,Valley ArcadeP.O Box 41079-0010 0Kenya Human Rights Commission Tel.+254 020 38 74998/9 Nairobi,Kenya

Regional Workshop on Nonviolent Conflict

Nairobi, Kenya 21st – 26th April 2008

(Please type or print neatly in English.)

Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than 20th March 2008
Email to [email][email protected] or FAX: +254 20 38 74 997

Last/Family Name: ___________________________________

First/Given Name: ____________________________________

Citizenship: _________________________________________

Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): _________________________ Sex: __Male __Female



Country: ______________________________________________

Tel:________________________ Fax: ________________________

E-mail address:____________________________________________

Personal Statement: Please submit a personal statement of interest along with this form. The statement of approximately 500 words should indicate how this program would benefit your activities in your community or country and include any previous personal and professional experiences, particularly in Nonviolent Conflict activities.

The statement should also suggest post-training/follow-up activities that you would initiate and engage in your own community and/or country.

Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required, and they should be sent directly to [email][email protected] or +254 20 38 74 997 (fax) by your referees. Please indicate below the name and institutional affiliation of your referee writing a recommendation letter.

Name: __________________Affiliation: _________________

Name: __________________Affiliation: _________________

Signature:___________________ Date:______________