3rd People's Triangular Conference: Between the agrarian development model and the popular alternatives

The 3rd People’s Triangular Conference of Mozambique, Brazil and Japan organized by the No to ProSavana campaign will take place at the Kaya-Kwanga Conference Centre in Maputo on 24 and 25 October, 2017. This conference aims to reflect the development models in Mozambique, with emphasis on the ProSavana Program, through a deep and democratic debate.
The conference will bring together the peoples representatives of the three countries, namely: Mozambique, Brazil and Japan, including peasants and communities suffering from direct impacts of major programs and projects in the agriculture, mining and hydrocarbon sectors; Civil Society Organizations and Social Movements; Religious organizations; Research/academic institutions; Government representatives and other guests.
The Campaign No to ProSavana is part of a joint mobilization of civil society organizations and peasant movements in defense of natural resources and against aggression, land grabbing, commodification and privatization of land and other natural resources.
It comes one year after the Open Letter[1] to Urgently Detain and Reflect the ProSavana Program[2]signed by civil society organizations, social movements, peasant, environmental, religious, family and community movements in the Nacala Development Corridor and submitted to the Presidents of Mozambique, Brazil and the Prime Minister of Japan.
The Conference begins with the historical contextualization on Agrarian Development Policies and Programs in Mozambique. The analysis of the ProSavana Program, the Land and Seeds Law will be highlighted and representatives of peasant communities along the Nacala and Brazil corridors will share their perspective and experience on these issues. The conference also discusses alternatives to the Development Model and strategies to strengthen Solidarity and collaboration between movements and Peoples.
For more information and appointment of interviews with representatives of the Campaign contact: +258 823747881/823061275/844664403
No to ProSavana Campaign
[1] This letter had as its main objective the urgent stoppage of ProSavana in order to provide spaces for democratic debate, consultation and public participation in this process of great social, economic and environmental relevance, with high potential impacts and direct adverse effects on the lives of millions of citizens and future generations. The document also denounces the existence of numerous discrepancies and contradictions in the insufficient information and available documents, and evidence confirming the existence of flawed design defects and various irregularities in the program process;
[2] Triangular cooperation program between the three Governments called ProSavana. This program aims to acquire more than 14.5 million hectares of land from the Mozambican authorities to be concessioned to large Brazilian and Japanese agribusiness companies in the north of the country, along the so-called Nacala Development Corridor.