Cheryl Sanchez

I have returned to the UK from a 3 week private visit to Cape Town. These are my observations. The patterns of social inequalities remain unchanged!

The Africans who live in the townships of Langa, Gulguletu and Khayalitsha are reminders that social justice has not been achieved.

I find it equally distasteful to see the ANC government paying land owners for land which they got for next top nothing. These landowners should be paying reparations.

Africans must demand more

I have completed reading the essay about the relationship between African Americans and the new arrivals from Africa. The geographical divide between Europe and Africa is not that far but the relationship between the Diaspora Africans and mainland Africans in London and Europe is the same. I would use the word contentious.

There are lots of anxieties expressed whenever two Africans from different groups marry. There are many harsh words and insults exchanged between and among more

I agree with Tadjudeen (Pambazuka News 154: Great Expectations on South Africa). For the vast majority of Africans in South Africa, the poor are getting poorer. The ANC promised to return 30% of stolen land to landless people. Unfortunately, the ANC has only returned 2.5%. In the meantime, water has been privatised, making it difficult for poor people to access bugfree pipeborne water. This privatisation is already causing a rise in water born diseases such as cholera.

Families are more