Sibanze Simuchoba

This is a brilliant piece. Truly, the ordinary people's suffering in Zimbabwe is unbearable. Comrade Mugabe is right on the land question. But he needs to change tactics to ensure that Zimbabwe's people survive to enjoy the fruit of the land reform.Why should restoration of land necessarily lead to the continuing impoverishment of the people of Zimbabwe as though uncle Bob has already quit the stage? Comrade Mugabe, please deliver the people to the promised land of plenty.

I agree with Onyongo Oloo. The fuss in Kenya is similar to the one in my country, Zambia. Both countries look to the West in the anti-corruption crusade. In Zambia, the fight against corruption is personified by prosecuting former President Chiluba. Curiously, President Mwanawasa expects us to believe that his anti corruption crusade is serious and not a sham! It is shameful that Githongo is fighting corruption in Kenya from Britain. If he is too scared to do it from Nairobi, let him find a more

What an apt characterisation! I couldn't agree more. As comrade Mugabe has said, colonialism is a crime against humanity. Reparations are in order. African leaders have to realise that paying back the so-called debt to the multi-lateral institutions of the West, is a perpetuation of slavery and subjugation. Africa will not develop for as long as it is led by imperialist lackeys who are falling over each other to reach the HIPC completion point as was the case in my country Zambia.These more

Moyo is an impressive trinket (Pambazuka News 166). He's adept at making light the tribulations of the ordinary Zimbabwean. He denies there is starvation in his country only because that is not the reality in his dining room in his house.

ZANU PF is right on the land policy. But this is no excuse for the criminal excesses being perpetrated by government elements in the name of land redistribution.

Moyo, redeem yourself before the wrath of the people extinguishes you.

Sibanze Simuchoba, Zambia

NARC and the so-called New Deal MMD government in Zambia seem to be birds of a feather! (Pambazuka News 129: Issues in Democracy and Human Rights in Kenya) Zambia is still plagued with electoral malpractices and wanton violations of the Republican constitution. MMD causes parliamentary by-elections galore by wooing opposition MPs to defect to it. These by-elections are damn expensive. MMD dishes out money and other gifts in the affected constituencies to win the elections and they do. Also more

I agree that corruption has been elevated to unjustified high heights (Pambazuka News 127: The Politics of Corruption). In Zambia that is all the government is talking about. In the meantime, the masses are wallowing in unmitigated poverty. The failure or omission by government to provide social services is blamed on the corruption of the government of Chiluba. Chiluba in turn had blamed it on the corruption in Kaunda's time. So much is being said by Mwanawasa's regime on its zero more