Ode to Samir Amin

Yash Tandon dedicates a poem to his close friend and comrade in the struggle, Samir Amin.
Rhyming along the sound of guitar
Cascades my ode to Comrade Samir
You have left us, Dear Samir, but your spirit remains
Whilst I do my yogic meditation to ancient gods
Next to me I see you musing in revolutionary study
You appear to me in my heavenly trance
Can you hear me Samir, from my earthly stance?
Remember, remember that time in November 2012
When in Oxford you came to Pambazuka
And we talked about imperialism and Africa’s surrender
Shame, shame, we roared to leaders in Africa
Alas! Their eyes and ears are closed to Africa’s plunder
Alas! Our leaders have put the people in a blender.
Darkened are the clouds with NATO hawkish planes
Bombarding Africa to loot for gold, copper and oils
For the military-industrial-techno-financial chains
Disembodying Africa, mutilating Africa, for their spoils
Shame, shame, we roar to ruling classes of African compradors
Corrupted by money and power are our conquistadors
On the starving, dying bodies of our children and progenitors
Remember, Remember, the month of January 2018
When in Dakar we met for the Rapport Alternatif Sur l’Afrique
On Report Zero of RASA we embellished its theme:
From concept to the reality of Africans
Epistemological archaeology of African thoughts
Question of power and its devolution in Africa
Desirable futures in transformative sovereignty
Paradigms, frameworks, criteria, and African contexts
You have left us, Dear Samir, but only your body
Your spirit will continue to fuel the African revolutions
Until the Empire succumbs and its spineless toddies
Will flee to their hidden loots for their final dissolution
So proud am I Dear Samir
To visit you from my earthly stance
* Professor Yash Tandon is from Uganda and has worked at many different levels as an academic, a teacher, a political thinker, a rural development worker, a civil society activist, and an institution builder.