Togo: Three journalists charged with publishing "false information"
The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN says it is "deeply concerned" by the continued detention of three journalists on charges of "publishing false information and disturbing public order." The journalists concerned are Dimas Dzikodo and Philipe Evegno, editor-in-chief and publication director respectively of the weekly newspaper L'Evenement, and Jean de Dieu Kpakpabia, journalist with the weekly newspaper Nouvel Echo.
**We apologise for any cross-posting - The following is being forwarded
exactly as received**
To: IFEX Autolist (other news of interest)
From: Writers in Prison Committee, International PEN,
3 July 2003
Togo: Three journalists charged with publishing "false information"
The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is deeply concerned by
the continued detention of three journalists on charges of "publishing false
information and disturbing public order." The journalists concerned are
Dimas Dzikodo and Philipe Evegno, editor-in-chief and publication director
respectively of the weekly newspaper L'Evenement, and Jean de Dieu
Kpakpabia, journalist with the weekly newspaper Nouvel Echo.
According to information received by International PEN the three journalists
were arrested on 14 and 15 June 2003. Dzikodo was arrested on 14 June at a
cybercafe in Lomé whilst reportedly scanning photographs of persons who had
been allegedly injured by police officers and militiamen of the ruling
party, Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais (RPT) during the last presidential
election on 1 June 2003. Police officers claimed that members of the
opposition Union des Forces du Changement (UFC) had given Dzikodo the
photographs and that the journalist was planning to send them to a website
based outside Togo. Following his arrest he was questioned at length by
police officers and his home was searched. Kpakpabia was arrested on 14 June
at the same cybercafe whilst he was reportedly planning to send similar
photographs to a website based outside Togo. Evegno, Dzikodo's director of
publications, was arrested the following day on the pretext that he had
asked Dzikodo to carry out the work at the cybercafe.
The three journalists were initially detained at the National Security
Services headquarters for over a week before being charged with "publishing
false information and disturbing public order" and being transferred to Lomé
Central prison on 24 June.
All three journalists have allegedly been beaten and there is concern that
they may be subjected to ill-treatment and/or torture whilst in detention.
According to eye witnesses, Dzikodo complained of ill-treatment during a
four-day period when the men were allegedly held in incommunicado detention.
International PEN calls upon the authorities in Togo to release Dimas
Dzikodo, Philipe Evegno and Jean de Dieu Kpakpabia immediately. PEN also
calls upon these authorities to drop all criminal charges against the
journalists and to guarantee the right to freedom of expression and opinion
in Togo.
Please send appeals:
- calling for for the immediate release of Dimas Dzikodo, Philipe Evegno and
Jean de Dieu Kpakpabia and the dropping of all criminal charges against
- urging the authorities to safeguard the right of all Togolese to be able
to express themselves without fear of reprisals;
- demanding that whilst in detention Dimas Dzikodo, Philipe Evegno and Jean
de Dieu Kpakpabia receive humanitarian treatment and are not subjected to
ill-treatment or torture.
Appeals to:
President of the Republic of Togo
President Gnassingbe Eyadema
Présidence de la Republique
Résidence Lomé II
Lomé, Togo
Fax: +228 221 18 97
A message can also be sent to the president via:
Minister of Justice
Katari Foly-Bazi
Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux
Ministère de la Justice, Avenue de la Marina
Rue Colonel le Roux
Lomé, Togo
Fax: +228 221 22 06
H.E. Ambassador
Ambassade du Togo, Paris
Fax: +33 1 56 26 04 46
For further details contact Sara Birch at the Writers in Prison Committee
London Office: 9-10 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7AT UK Tel: + 44 (0)
20 72 53 32 26 Fax: + 44 (0) 20 72 53 57 11 e-mail:
**The information contained in this autolist item is the sole responsibility
of WiPC**