The Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) expresses its deep sadness over the loss of Fatima Al -Mernissi with her passing on December 1, 2015.
- Tagged under Gender & Minorities
The climate is heating up. If the atmosphere reaches 2°C or higher, the conditions for life on our planet will be disastrous.
Relations deteriorate. If we hesitate any longer, human relations between men and women, between groups, Peoples and the Earth will be completely compromised.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesLast week Madagascar took significant steps towards eradicating gender discrimination in its nationality law and eliminating statelessness.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities MadagascarThe upholding of convictions and sentencing of two female US citizens by a federal appeals court in Minnesota in August, found guilty of conspiring to funnel money to a terrorist organization in Somalia, has added to the debate on the role of women in terrorist activities.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesTuesday, October 13, 2015
Tagged under Gender & Minorities UgandaThe Equal Rights Trust have launched a report focusing on the devastating impact of discriminatory nationality laws in Madagascar and
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesA committee from TERRE DES FEMMES – Human Rights for Women e.V. (TDF) - visited the Association Bangr Nooma (ABN), the organization’s partner institution in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, between 5 and 12 June 2015.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Burkina FasoThis issue explores African women’s experiences of migration and displacement through multiple lenses.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesOn Sunday, 2 August 2015, 193 governments agreed to a historic agenda for global sustainable development to be carried out over the next 15 years, which will be formally adopted by world leaders at the UN General Assembly in September.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesThe Protocol guarantees comprehensive rights to women and provides a formidable legal framework to address the violence and discrimination against them. It was informed by African realities and negotiated by Africans for Africans.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Sierra Leone
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