As Palestinian, indigenous, women of color, anti-racist, and Jewish feministsinvolved in a range of social justice struggles, we strongly condemn the current massacre of the Palestinians of Gaza and affirm our support for and commitment to the growing international movement for a free Palestine a
- Tagged under Gender & Minorities
As we write this statement, 25 days after the brutal incursion on Gaza, over a thousand and four hundred of innocent civilian women, men and children have been butchered by Israel’s war machine and much more are threatened to be killed.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesEleven years ago, African states made formidable progress by jointly adopting the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa, also known as the Maputo Protocol - regarded as one of the most progressive women’s and human rights instruments in the world.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Mozambique‘Organizing young [Zimbabwean] women into representative leadership structures is key for harnessing young women’s power and ability to stand for themselves and challenge injustices,’ a recently published paper by the Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) concludes.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesA quiet gender revolution the like of which has been unseen in Southern Africa and perhaps anywhere in the world, is now firmly underway in Namibia.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities NamibiaThe Solidarity for African Women’s Rights Coalition (SOAWR) strongly condemns the unlawful and arbitrary detention of Women Human Rights Defenders in Cairo-Egypt on Saturday 21st June 2014.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities EgyptAfrican migration has a long history. Migration patterns in present day Africa are still greatly influenced by historical factors such as colonialism and its creation of arbitrary borders that sought to divide ethnically linked populations into different countries.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesOn 13 January 2014, Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan signed an anti-gay bill into law, whose punishment includes 14 years imprisonment for anyone that enters into same-sex marriage, 10 years for any organization or people that support gay rights as well as any individual that displays same-se
Tagged under Gender & Minorities NigeriaMany youth and students from successive generations were influenced by the widely-read book of Maya Angelou entitled ‘I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings’.
Tagged under Gender & MinoritiesWe recall the preamble to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights where member states took into consideration the virtues of Africa’s historical traditions and the values of African civilisation and stated that these should inspire and characterise the member states’ reflection on the co
Tagged under Gender & Minorities
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