The Kruger National Park does not plan to end its wilderness walking tours in the bush after seven tourists narrowly escaped being hurt by an angry rhino on Sunday.

More people worldwide are now displaced by natural disasters than by conflict. In the 1990s, natural catastrophes like hurricanes, floods, and fires affected more than two billion people and caused in excess of $608 billion in economic losses worldwide-a loss greater than during the previous four decades combined. But more and more of the devastation wrought by such natural disasters is "unnatural" in origin, caused by ecologically destructive practices and an increasing number of people more

Zimbabwe's fast-track land resettlement programme is putting pressure on the country's game reserves, some of which are near collapse. In Bubiana, its second largest game reserve, the endangered black rhino population is being rapidly depleted due to poaching.

Tropical countries are losing their forests at a very high rate, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned in a new issue of the "State of the World's Forests 2001," published Wednesday.

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said on Friday that he was pleased at recent progress made by officials from Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia towards restoring peace to the Mano River Union (MRU), which comprises the three countries.
