Reducing emissions of manmade greenhouse gases, using "sinks" to soak up excess carbon in the atmosphere, and transferring energy efficient technologies to developing nations have all had to take a back seat to what is widely seen as more pressing concerns. One of the biggest tasks facing the delegates in Marrakesh at the upcoming UN Conference on Global Warming is convincing the rest of the world that what they are doing is relevant. Indeed, just getting the international media's attention more

An international team of psychologists has demonstrated that baboons are capable of abstract thought - making them the first non-human, non-ape animal shown to share a central aspect of human intelligence. The findings have profound implications for the evolution of human intelligence and the stuff that separates homo sapiens from other animals.

Villages in the Wassa West District of Ghana's western region have been hit by the spillage of thousands of cubic metres of mine wastewater contaminated with cyanide and heavy metals. The cyanide-laced waste contaminated the River Asuman on October 16 when a tailings dam ruptured at a mine operation owned by the South African company, Goldfields Ltd.

International oil companies in Sudan are "knowingly or unknowingly" involved in a government counterinsurgency strategy in the country, according to the report of an independent fact-finding mission released this week.

The privatisation of mines in Zambia were fraught with corruption, the Global Corruption Report 2001 has revealed.
