“You are one of those Tolbert bitches? Strip his ass, carry him inside!”
Liberia has had more than a decade to plan for the day when international peacekeepers in blue helmets and their civilian counterparts would eventually pack up and leave.
Tagged under Human Security Liberia, UN Mission in LiberiaCorruption has become the real stuff of public discourse and everyday practice in many African societies, implicating both citizens and subjects, in both public and private life.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Liberia corruption, LiberiaIntroducing its pilot program, Partnership Schools for Liberia, the Liberian government has used inspirational language to describe the opportunities of outsourcing some of Liberia’s primary and early childhood educational system to private companies.
Tagged under Education Education, Liberia, Bridge International AcademiesPoor Liberia! Few countries in the world have been as ill-served by their government officials as Liberia has been.
Tagged under Education Education, Liberia, Educartional Technology