OCHA Kenya situation report

According to media reports, the Kenyan Police has used tear gas and live ammunition to fire on the crowds with at least 12 deaths reported in Nairobi and Kisumu. This has led to security restrictions on aid and staff movements hindering assessments and response for most of the week.


The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Kenya


Schools reopened on 14 - 15 January with fifty percent attendance;
· Flash Appeal launched by Emergency Relief Coordinator for US $41,938,954;
· Government would like IDPs to be relocated from schools and ASK Showground;
· ODM mass demonstrations commence with reports of death and injuries, and went through to Friday, 18 January created insecurity in several pockets of the country.

According to media reports, the Kenyan Police has used tear gas and live ammunition to fire on the crowds with at least 12 deaths reported in Nairobi and Kisumu. This has led to security restrictions on aid and staff movements hindering assessments and response for most of the week.

The expected mission of former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who is to head an African Union Panel of Eminent Personalities to facilitate negotiations for a political solution to the crisis, was postponed due to illness. However, members of the Africa Forum of former African presidents, namely Joachim Chissano of Mozambique, Ketumile Masire of Botswana and Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania returned to Kenya on a second visit at the invitation of President Kibaki’s Government and the ODM to help in establishing an environment for dialogue between the Government and ODM.

Internal Displacement Patterns

As displaced persons continued to be highly mobile the figures on their locations and numbers continued to fluctuate throughout the week. While Government figures have swayed between 255,000 to 202,000 IDPs, the Kenyan Red Cross Society (KRCS) reported a higher figure of 269,732 IDPs in this week. All these figures do not include IDPs living with friends and relatives and are limited to those living in public spaces and buildings. The main areas of displacement are still Eldoret, Kisumu, Kericho, Kisii, Trans-Nzoia, Nakuru and Nairobi as well as other areas in Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley and Coast Provinces. Many of the IDPs are still occupying government land, schools and churches while others are living with family and friends. Many sites are used only at night as the IDPs return to work on their farms and businesses during the day. It has been reported that many of the displaced families are women and children as men, remained behind in the villages to watch over their property.

Insecurity and fear of possible violence during the opposition rallies, has led to secondary displacement in some areas such as Burnt Forest, with IDP sites reported in areas that were initially not affected by the violence such as Meru.
Many more IDPs have noted that they would depart from Eldoret if transport was to be made available to them and their property, including in some cases their animals. On the other hand some IDPs have indicated that they would like to return to their homes if their security can be guaranteed. The frequent movement of IDPs has made tracking of population numbers very difficult a nd poses serious challenges for assistance provision.

According to a report from the IDP network about 3,000 IDPs have been living in schools and police posts in Kuresoi for the past few days without relief assistance as of 15 January. The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)
is planning to provide some food. There is a need to identify implementing partners at each of the IDP accommodation centres and to improve the analysis of the IDPs, movement patterns and assistance delivery.

Regional Movements Patterns

A total of 6,100 Kenyans have been confirmed

Into Uganda

As a result of the current violence. As of 15 January the Uganda Red Cross Society had registered 5,711 Kenyan refugees in four districts in Eastern Uganda (Tororo, Busia, Manafwa and Bukwo). An unconfirmed number of refugees are also reported to be in Kapchorwa district. In a press statement issued on 11 January, the government of Uganda granted prima facie refugee status to Kenyans seeking shelter in Uganda.

Into Tanzania
Assessments by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) jointly with the UN and the Tanzanian Red Cross visited the borders at Horohoro and Horiri, as well as Rongai and Tarakea. Overall an estimated 300-500 persons have crossed into Tanzania fleeing violence in Kenya are from better-off wealth groups, staying in hotels, with friends or family. However it is to be noted that the border is porous and there are many informal crossing points. There have been no individuals applying for refugee status.

The Tanzanian Ministry of Home Affairs has a long experience with refugee influxes and has established a contingency plan in case of larger influxes. UNHCR has also reviewed its emergency contingency plans and will coordinate in consultation with UNICEF and WFP should there be an influx into Tanzania. The UN has other partners who have the capacity to assist in vital sectors if necessary. The UN is continuing to monitor the situation closely.
Priority Needs, Response & Gaps Protection and Human Rights In adequate security in IDP sites and limited police presence Highlighted as major concerns.

With the opening of schools on 14 January, IDPs currently occupying schools have to be relocated. Local authorities have also indicated that they would like IDPs to leave the ASK Showgrounds in Eldoret and Jamhuri in Nairobi, which are currently used as IDP camps in anticipation of the annual Kenya Society of Agriculture show in March. Unfortunately some of the proposed relocation sites are not suitable such as the site in Burnt Forest and sites near police posts. Tensions may develop with host communities as they will want to use the schools, churches and the showground. A subcommittee on resettlement headed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Roads and Public Works has been set up to start the process of resettling IDPs back to their farms and employment areas as a matter of priority. Humanitarian actors will need to work with this subcommittee to ensure that return is voluntary and guided by the ‘Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement’ among others. Many of the IDPs interviewed at the location in Burnt Forest indicate that they would prefer to return to their home s if security can be guaranteed, instead of being moved to other locations.

UNHCR is working with government and other partners to set up population tracking systems, registration, profiling and mapping of IDPs. KRCS and ICRC are undertaking tracing and family reunification activities. UNFPA and partners are following up on GBV related issues while UNICEF is coordinating and following up on child related protection issues.
Human Rights Organisations are concerned by the Kenya Police Force’s use of extraordinary force and live bullets in responding to the post-election violence and to the demonstrations this week especially. Other protection concerns include psycho-social support and family separation which are being addressed by ICRC, KRCS and other partners.

Health and Nutrition

The nutritional situation is deteriorating in IDP camps. Rapid screening, although not representative at this stage, indicate that levels of global acute malnutrition may have already increased by 2-3 times. This is essentially due to limited access to food a s well as poor water and sanitation conditions. For instance, general food rations have not yet reached all IDPs (e.g. 54% IDPs in Nakuru and 12% IDPs in Molo received food as of 15th January) and market supplies have been disrupted. Displaced populations that are staying in host households may soon be affected as they are not easily registered for general food distribution.

Lack of fuel which directly affects the food consumption especially for young children has been identified as a challenge. MoH called for an emergency meeting on Thursday 17t h to address this issue.
In order to address the shortage of MOH staff to deliver essential nutrition services, the MOH is planning to redeploy or recruit staff for 3 months. There are also plans to strengthen technical capacity within the MOH to manage acute severe malnutrition. Technical support and training will be planned with partners to build capacity and ensure service delivery according to standards. UNICEF supported partners with supplies of essential food items (therapeutic and supplementary) to serve 10,350 women and children in Nairobi, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Western and Central Provinces.
UNICEF/MOH conducted rapid nutrition assessments in Jamhuri Park, Kirathmo Camp in Limuru and Nakuru and, AAH (Action Against Hunger) in Nakuru.


Schools re-opened on 14 January however many children were unable to return to school due to insecurity and violence associated with the post election violence. However the overview in this sector has been hampered by lack of adequate information. This is expected to improve significantly with the opening of the schools and more assessments. A planning meeting is scheduled on January 23 to develop short and long term strategies for data analysis and to follow up on the education situation.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has identified Teacher Advisory Center (TAC) tutor centre in central primary schools and vacant structures at the Showgrounds to supplement tent classrooms. The (MoE) has requested partners to help in psycho-social support and training in peace education. The MoE has sent out advisories to schools in affected areas that they should accept IDP children as well as a recommendation that displaced teachers should be redeployed to teach at IDP camps. The cluster is making efforts to bring key NGOs on board.
Required interventions include a need for learning spaces, and teaching and learning materials including text books, recreational kits to help children and youth to rebuild their world and community. Teachers themselves require training in peace education and on psycho-social skills. In addition temporary classrooms and education kits will be needed. This will become clearer as more needs assessments are conducted.
Information available to the education cluster indicates the following numbers of children displaced:

4 N0. of Children Location
30,000 Kericho
26,000 Ikongwe, Nyamira
4,000 Nakuru Showground
2,200 Uasin Gishu Primary School
400 Burnt Forest Secondary School & Police Station
200 West Pokot at Kethogon Primary School
1,188 Eldoret Cathedral
765 ASK Showground
64,753 TOTAL


The security situation continues to have an impact on logistics operations and more organisations need to actively engage with the logistics cluster for a more efficient response. There i s a need to urgently undertake contingency planning for logistics. The lack of verified numbers of beneficiaries and constant IDP movement also impacts on the provision and planning for logistical support. Requirements in terms of access to beneficiaries by air are being addressed, through the provision of air assets, the transport fleet and storage needed to serve delivery requests out of Eldoret. Emerging logistics operational gaps are being addressed through the Logistics Cluster meetings.

The WFP managed helicopter is in Eldoret Airport and has already started operations. The helicopter is expected to return to Sudan on the 19t h of January. WFP has also provided four 4x4 trucks from the Uganda strategic fleet that are undertaking distribution activities upon request. WFP has also provided temporary storage for NFIs of organisations responding to the current situation in Eldoret. ADRA Kenya is airlifting medical supplies from Europe to Nairobi to support field medical interventions. KRCS has its Regional Office in Eldoret and is planning to maintain the current operational and staffing level as long as needed and will continue its distribution of both food and NFIs. The KRCS is using National Cereals and Produce Board warehouse facilities and NCPP has agreed to let KRCS utilize these facilities throughout the operation. ICRC trucks have been deployed to Eldoret.

Shelter & NFIs

In a meeting on 10 January of the Emergency Shelter Cluster the government indicated the following challenges: lack of adequate security in IDP camps and i n isolated areas where police presence is minimal; food, especially for children; water and sanitation; medicine, family kits including tarpaulins, kitchen sets and blankets. The following organisations and agencies are distributing NFIs in different locations, CRS, GOAL, CARE, UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, and CONCERN Worldwide is working through its NGO partners and churches and German Agro Action in collaboration with government a nd KRCS.


The total number of beneficiaries in North Rift Valley is 130,216 who received 1,172 MT of cereals, pulses and oil. The government has released to the District Commissioners (DCs) in 23 Districts 29,350 of 90 kg bags of maize, 6,160 cartons of vegetable oil (18 kg) and 9,020 bags of beans (90 kg). KRCS supported by WFP is taking the lead in assisting the DCs in distributing these stocks. KRCS has so far distributed 1,345 MT of food and NFI’s to 10,636 households. Concern World Wide distributed food and non food items through their partners (Church based) in Western province. World Vision distributed food commodities and blankets in Narok and surroundings.
5 ADRA has distributed over 317 MT of food to over 10,000 IDPs and ACTED is worki ng in the slums of Kibera, Mathare and Kawangware where they are providing food for work.

Water and Sanitation

There are 4 major IDP camps in Eldoret and the area surrounding Eldoret, namely: Eldoret Showground, Turbo, Noigam Primary School in Trans-Nzoia District and Burnt Forest and their basic needs are being covered. At the largest IDP camp in the Nakuru area, the Nakuru Showground, Action Against Hunger has managed to cover all water and sanitation needs for approximately 4,500 IDPs. The focus is now shifting to the areas surrounding Nakuru including Molo District where more than 50 displacement sites/camps have been reported by the KRCS.

The Ministry of Health has attached public health officers in all IDP camps in the country and alongside the Ministry of Water who are coordinating the provision of sanitation and hygiene, waste management, disease surveillance, provision of ITNs, vector control and providing general medical care. A number of humanitarian partners including UNICEF, GOAL, World Vision Kenya, CORDAID, Action Aid, UN HABITAT, KRCS – ICRC, MSF Belgium are working with the government to meet water and sanitation needs in the different locations.

Emergency Telecommunications

In Eldoret, the Emergency Telecommunication Cluster set up a WFP radio room which will serve all humanitarian partners operating in the region. They are also in the process of reprogramming of VHF and HF radios.

Early Recovery

According to the government Peace Building and Counseling Sub Committee headed by the National Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Committee and Arid Lands is now operational. It will be expanded throughout the country to intensify peace building and reconciliation in order to fasten resettlement activities. The objectives of the subcommittee include undertaking activities that will create an environment that is conducive to addressing emotional, physical and behavioral effects of trauma on individuals and communities. It will also promote national healing and reconciliation.


UNEP is monitoring the environmental situation in Kenya and will be looking at how its current environment and sports initiative for children and youth in Kenya might be refocused to respond to the current crisis.
Gaps in Geographic Coverage Concerns have been raised about the concentration of humanitarian response on a few locations such as ASK Show Ground in Eldoret, Noigan and Burnt Forest while reports of new displacement and the killing of 13 people by Saboat Land Defence Force in Mount Elgon require attention. Presnece in Nakuru and assessment in the areas surrounding Nakuru are also highlighted as gaps in the response overview.

Coordination In Nairobi the Government Humanitarian Services Committee of Permanent Secretaries, which is th e technical government body that oversees the humanitarian response has continued to meet daily and issue situation updates.
The National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC) which was tasked to be the lead coordinating agency for this crisis has been issuing daily information bulletins. The UN and humanitarian NGOs ‘Situation Centre ’ is working closely with
6 the NDOC to ensure coordination and information sharing. All clusters continued to meet on a regular basis with good participation from UN agencies, NGOs and others involved in the emergency response.

On January 15, 2008 the first Nairobi based Inter-Cluster Meeting was held with all 11 cluster leads present. During the meeting the cluster lead s’ Terms of Reference and OCHA’s support to clusters were discussed. Furthermore, a regular schedule for all the cluster meetings and reporting was also established. The next meeting will discuss intercluster assessments on the ground. Meanwhile, based on input from clusters an operational report on the humanitarian response has been developed and the first edition was disseminated on January 17th.

For more info please contact
Dijana Duric: +254 (0)728601291, [email protected]

In Eldoret, the District Commissioner (DC) has established a n Information Center Secretariat to support the response coordination. However the need for additional resources to expand the Secretariat’s capacity is urgent. In support of the governme nt in Eldroret, clusters continue to set-up with some already fully functional such as the Logistics Cluster. OCHA has established a presence in Eldoret for supporting the coordination of information for the humanitarian response.

The head of the OCHA sub-office is Wael Ibrahim and he can be reached at +254 (0)711311983, [email protected] .

Similarly in Nakuru, the need for improved coordination support is emerging, where increased IDP numbers and agency presence is characterizing Nakuru as a second field hub for the response. OCHA is looking into deploying coordination support in Nakuru in the near future.
For more info in Eldoret contact Wael Haj-Ibrahim: +254 (0)711311983, [email protected] .

http://ochaonline.un.org/kenya is the operational website which has been established to centralize all information on needs, affected populations, assessments, humanitarian response and resource mobilization. Operational maps, situation and security reports and meeting reports and minutes are being centralized through the Situation Centre located in the OCHA RO CEA conference room.
Resource Mobilization The Flash Appeal with UN Agencies and NGOs was officially launched on 16 January in New York and on January
For more information, please contact OCHA:
Kenya Head of Office; Jeanine Cooper, +254 (0)722720944, [email protected];
Humanitarian Affairs Officer: Dijana Duric, +254 -(0)728601291, [email protected];
Humanitarian Affairs Officer: Mercy Manyala: +254 (0)733656250, [email protected] ;
Desk Office New York: Rania Dagash: +19173673668, [email protected]