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'We hereby recognize the resignation of Ambassador Bethuel Kiplagat from the Chairmanship of the Truth Justice & Reconciliation Commission (TJRC). On behalf of all those Kenyans who wish to see a successful truth, justice and reconciliation process in Kenya, we applaud the former Chairman for taking what has certainly being a difficult option for him.'



*Amb. Bethuel Kiplagat’s resignation from the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC)*

*Issued in Nairobi on Tuesday 2nd November 2010 at 2.30 pm*

We hereby recognize the resignation of Amb. Bethuel Kiplagat from the Chairmanship of the Truth Justice & Reconciliation Commission (TJRC). On behalf of all those Kenyans who wish to see a successful truth, justice and reconciliation process in Kenya, we applaud the former Chairman for taking what has certainly being a difficult option for him.

The pressure exerted on Ambassador Kiplagat by the public should be taken as evidence by the other Commissioners, as well as the entire TJRC staff, that Kenyans are watching this process very closely. As per our Press statements issued on 30th October 2010, we remind the Commission that our experience in inter-ethnic discussions across the country clearly shows that only a Truth, Justice and Reconciliation process will provide Kenyans with a structure through which they can confront the demons that keep plaguing our beloved country, slay them, & move forward.

We also warn our political leaders, (both current and former) that Kenyans will not accept to have this crucial Commission manipulated by anyone. This process is about the_ greatest good, for the greatest number._ The post-independence generations that comprise the majority of Kenyans, need to know the truth about Kenya’s past, if we are to confidently face the future promised by the new Constitution. We need to learn the truth about the Mau Mau, Post-Independence Land Allocations, Political Assassinations, Post Election Violence of 1992, 1997 and 2007, Wagalla Massacre, Mt Elgon Operations, Extra-judicial Killings, etc, and then move on.

We also call upon our two principals, H.E. the President Mwai Kibaki and the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Raila Odinga, to ensure the re-appointment of Commissioners Betty Murungi and Ronald Slye who had resigned on matters of principle related to the Chairman’s position. We believe that the value they add onto the Commission would take too long to get from a new set of Commissioners, even were the new people to be of a similar or higher quality. This is especially important as the Commission tries to beat the deadlines set for it under the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation Agenda Item 4. Finally, we now expect that now both the government and the development partners will urgently put into place the necessary funds required for the Commission to immediately operate at its full potential.

*Signed for Change Associates Trust*

*Executive Director (0724958331)*