Africa: CODESRIA/SEPHIS Faculty Exchange Programme
CODESRIA/SEPHIS collaborative programme is pleased to announce the launch of its Faculty Exchange Programme. The programme is scheduled for May-June 2009 and will start off with one fellow. The basic idea of the Faculty Exchange programme is to foster knowledge and understanding by facilitating exchange of faculty and publications between two departments in different continents of the South. The objective is to create South-South awareness and curiosity among staff in educational institutions through a dynamic intellectual exchange among research traditions and networks in the South.
CODESRIA/SEPHIS collaborative programme is pleased to announce the launch of its Faculty Exchange Programme. The programme is scheduled for May-June 2009 and will start off with one fellow. The basic idea of the Faculty Exchange programme is to foster knowledge and understanding by facilitating exchange of faculty and publications between two departments in different continents of the South. The objective is to create South-South awareness and curiosity among staff in educational institutions through a dynamic intellectual exchange among research traditions and networks in the South. It is believed that the comparative awareness that will result from the exchange of faculty and publications between regions of the South will contribute to the strengthening of Southern knowledge production.
Organising Institutions
CODESRIA: the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa was established in 1973 as an independent Pan-African research organisation with a primary focus on the social sciences. CODESRIA, with headquarters in Dakar, Senegal is recognised globally as the leading non-governmental centre of social science knowledge in Africa.
SEPHIS: the South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development is a South-South network headquartered in Amsterdam that supports historically grounded research on development that is also multidisciplinary. Since 1994, SEPHIS has facilitated intellectual exchanges between scholars in the global South through sponsorship of workshops, lecture tours and publications.
• Eligible as hosts are social science and history departments in African universities.
• Eligible as visiting faculty are historians and historically oriented social science scholars from continents of the South other than Africa.
Application Procedures
The Faculty Exchange programme is based on the following principles:
• A university department in Africa with interest in inviting a colleague from another continent submits a request to CODESRIA. In other words, applications to participate in the programme are to be made only by departments/faculties and not by individuals
• Applications should include the following:
1. a letter from the host institutions taking responsibility for the proper conduct of the exchange
2. a profile of the visiting member of faculty
3. an outline of a teaching/research curriculum to last a maximum of 4 weeks
4. a budget which includes housing, airfare, insurance and a honorarium (max. of 8,000 €)
• It must be noted that the Faculty Exchange programme does not necessarily require reciprocity between universities. It is exclusively demand oriented and does not mediate for lecturers who would like to go to another university in the South for a while.
The deadline for applications (to be written in English) is 30th March 2009. An international scientific committee will examine the dossier of all candidates by the 10th of April 2009. Incomplete and unnecessarily lengthy applications will not be considered. All email and faxed applications must be accompanied by a hard copy original version sent by post.
Successful applicants will be notified immediately after the completion of the selection process. Host departments and visiting faculty are expected to submit detailed reports on their experiences during the programme to CODESRIA/SEPHIS, latest a month from the end of the exchange programme.
Additional information about the Faculty Exchange Programme can be obtained via
• The CODESRIA web site: http:/
• The SEPHIS web site: http:/
All applications or requests for more information should be addressed to:
Omobolaji Ololade Olarinmoye PhD
CODESRIA/SEPHIS Faculty Exchange Programme
Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, angle Canal IV
B.P. 3304, Dakar, Senegal
Fax: (221) 824 12 89
Tel: (221) 825 98 22/23
E-mail: [email][email protected]