Kenya: Digitizing Kenya - Wajibu: Volume 24, Issue I
WAJIBU: a journal of social and ethical concern, is a Kenyan journal that has been published in Kenya for the past 22 years and has subscribers not only in Kenya but in various other countries in Africa and abroad. We invite submissions on all aspects of how digital technology is shaping public discourse, culture, politics and economy in Kenya.
Wajibu: Volume 24, Issue I
Digitizing Kenya – The impact of multimedia on the socio-cultural and political landscape in Kenya
Calling for Submissions
Words: 1200 – 2000
Deadline: February 25th 2009
Publication Date: Mid-March
“To many in the developed world, the ‘networked public sphere’ connotes the potential for a more public discourse, increased transparency, and positive cooperation of all kinds. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa where artificial borders and legacies of ethnic strife have yet to solidify many countries into nations, the narrative is more complicated…The internet and mobile phone have lowered barriers to participations and increased opportunities for many-to-many communication…” (Goldstein and Rotich: Digitally Networked Technology in Kenya’s 2007-2008 Post-Election Crises)
We invite submissions on all aspects of how digital technology is shaping public discourse, culture, politics and economy in Kenya. Topics of particular (but not exclusive) interest are:
· The internet and social justice
· How development operates within the new face of communications
· Integrating digital technologies into mainstream media
· Trade and economy
· Civil society interactions
· ‘Good governance’ and human rights discourses
· Cultural interactions
· The evolution of content
About Wajibu
WAJIBU: a journal of social and ethical concern, is a Kenyan journal that has been published in Kenya for the past 22 years and has subscribers not only in Kenya but in various other countries in Africa and abroad. Every three months readers are treated to an array of in-depth analytical coverage of issues such as “Peacebuilding: gaining or losing?” “The Millennium development goals,” “Education: a constant challenge,” “Roadmap to a just society,” “Culture and values,” “Traditional African wisdom and modern life,” “Human dignity and the value of one life,” and other issues of major concern to Africans and those who love Africa .