Kenya: Electoral researcher - Independent Reveiw Commission
The Independent Review Commission (IREC) was established to assess a number of aspects of the 2007 General Elections in Kenya. As part of its mandate, it is required to examine the conduct of the Electoral Commission of Kenya and make recommendations aiming at improving the fure electoral process in the country. To assist the Commission in its endeavour, IREC wants to apply a well qualified electoral researcher.
Independent Review Commission
Terms of Reference
Electoral Researcher
The Independent Review Commission (IREC) was established to assess a number of aspects of the 2007 General Elections in Kenya. As part of its mandate, it is required to examine the conduct of the Electoral Commission of Kenya and make recommendations aiming at improving the future electoral process in the country. To assist the Commission in its endeavor, IREC wants to apply a well qualified electoral researcher.
To conduct research – independently as well as under instruction – on all aspects of the electoral process referred to in the Commission’s mandate, particularly those related to the evaluation of the organizational structure/management of the ECK. They specifically include:
Assisting Commissioners and staff in the examination of the organizational structure, composition and management systems of the Electoral Commission of Kenya.
Assisting Commissioners and staff in the examination of the organizational and management aspects of the conduct of the 2007 electoral operations including the various aspects of the electoral process such as: civic and voter education, training, voter registration, logistics and security, polling and counting, vote tabulation and result processing, and dispute resolution.
Contributing to the identification of organizational and managerial experiences from the 1997 and 2002 elections and the 2005 referendum in Kenya, which are relevant for the above.
Identification and perusal of relevant literature on the organization and management of electoral organizations, as well as on the practices of other electoral commissions that might be relevant to the Kenya situation.
To present (in report form or otherwise) the results of his or her research on the above issues as draft input to the Commission’s final report.
To undertake any other task as the Commission may require
Graduate degree in Business Management, Public Administration, or any other relevant field of study. Documented experience in organizational analysis, with particular reference to service organizations. Importance would be given to specific experience in electoral processes.