Review of African blogs Adesanmi of writes an open letter to France’s new president, Sarkozy with particular reference to the commonalities i.e. both share 'common roots in immigration'. However unlike Pius, Sarkozy goes to 'inhuman lengths to deny his origin'.
'These differences in our attitudes to our mutual roots in the third world notwithstanding, I am saying that we understand each other not because as Minister of the Interior, you rampaged and hounded Arab and Black African immigrants with unequaled inhumanity; not because you abused them from the roof tops; not because you are one of the most hated “westerners” in the communities of dregs from the global south who litter the beautiful metropoles you are trying to keep spick and span; we understand each other because you are one of us! We understand each other because, every time you see your Dad or your brothers and sisters, the mirror shows you the immigrants you just hounded off the streets of Paris for the day. Your visceral hatred of the very conditions of your own emergence is not something we should discuss here.'
Pius goes on to warn Sarkozy not to get ahead of himself over the congratulatory messages from various right wing leaders and politicians around the world and end up a poodle of George Bush. Because unlike Sarkozy’s France – in the US you cannot go around calling
'predominantly hopeless Arab and Black African youths “racaille” (scum), no problem! Since race, racism, and discrimination are not allowed to exist in the République, no one can be injured! Call Azouz Begag, novelist, public intellectual of Algerian origin, and until recently your fellow minister, a “sale connard” (stupid idiot), no problem! There is no discrimination in the République. Call Africans moving to France “toute la misere du monde” (all the world’s misery), no problem. There can be no injury. Call gays and lesbians names that my North American context of political correctness won’t allow me to repeat here, no problem. There can be no harm done on account of things that do not exist. Call Arabs dirty people who keep “moutons dans la baignoire” (sheep in the bath tub), no problem. Again there can be no injury.'
Cairo Freeze posts a cartoon showing Sarkozy’s support for Israel. Media reports on a study that says African women are portrayed more positively in the magazine Marie Claire. However AM writes:
'Despite certain positive images, the study confirms that the magazine does include some stereotypical portraits of suffering of African women. In addition, the magazine also infrequently includes coverage of visits to the continent by movie stars such as Drew Barrymore who sobs over the horrors of Africa. (What, she couldn't find a baby to take home as a souvenir?)'
The full report will be published later this month but it sounds more of the same sobs over the horrors of Africa. Chronicles has report on the construction of a wind pump in rural Kenya made from “old bicycle parts and roofing materials” which is being used to power the water supply from wells.
'Evidence suggests that in rural development, initiatives often take a stronger root when they have been “discovered” locally, rather than introduced from elsewhere. That shouldn’t mean an end to the propagation of sustainable technologies, but it does perhaps suggest that stimulating people to solve their own problems may lead to more lasting solutions.'
It also shows what can be done with a creative mind and using recyclable materials, one more thing that the West can learn from Africa. Fishbowl comments on the latest addition to the list of potential ANC presidents in 'The big men roll in'.
'As we near the ANC AGM, the big guns are starting to roll into town. Tokyo Sexwale has officially "announced" his arrival on the presidential nominations board...expect more to follow...Cyril Ramaphosa, paging Cyril Ramaphosa.'…Trials and Tribulations of a Freshly-Arrived Denizen..of Ghana asks why 'Ecowas officals lost their lives' on the Trans West African Highway which is fast becoming the Trans West African road to death.
'In effect, the so-called Trans-West African Highway Network has been comprehensively completed since last week, prompting joys that the ECOWAS link-up is becoming more of a reality.
Sadly, it's coming at a cost, as exemplified by last Thursday's eerie accident that involved two articulators travelling at top speed in opposite directions; the helping of Ghanaian motorists of passengers of an overturned bus (comprising West Africans from Cote d' Ivoire, Liberia, Benin, Nigeria and Togo) resulting in their deaths as the second articulator hit them at top speed (after having lost control). Altogether, seven vehicles were involved in the very sad loss of lives that claimed 40 people.' Star Journal is one of the few bloggers to consistently report on the conflict in Guinea (Conakry)
'Disaffected soldiers in Guinea have erupted in an orgy of rioting and looting in recent weeks…Soldiers claim that wages have been withheld since 1996, when an army mutiny-cum-attempted coup costs hundreds of lives, and wants the re-integration of troops who were sacked after those events…Over the weekend, soldiers went on the rampage in Conakry, causing panic in the capital…The head of state, Gen. Lansana Conté, conceded to the demands of the mutineers by sacking the army chief and the defense minister. But troops continued to run amock.' Reeves writes an open letter to Darfur activists and advocates on China and the 2008 olympic games.
'The full-scale launch of a large, organized campaign to highlight China's complicity in the Darfur genocide appears likely to begin soon. But it's past time to start thinking about how to tap the creative power of students and other Darfur advocates in this critical initiative. Enough of selling green bracelets and writing letters to those who are content with posturing or avoiding the central challenge of the moment: changing the international diplomatic dynamic in ways that will result in deployment of an international peace-support operation to Darfur, one that can provide adequate protection to civilians and humanitarians.
It's time, now, to begin shaming China-demanding that if the Beijing government is going to host the premier international event, the Summer Olympic Games of 2008, they must be responsible international partners. China's slogan for these Olympic Games- 'One world, one dream'-is a ghastly irony, given Beijing's complicity in the Darfur genocide (see the website for China's hosting of the Olympic Games at's Diary More excellent satire from ID. This week it’s 'Naija DemoCrazy for DUMMIES'.
'A friend wanted to know about naija's democracy, so i've decided to do a dummies style tongue-in-cheek explanation of democracy naija style.
According to the 1999 constitution (which is sometimes used as a "guide" and is probably used as a door stopper in the presidential villa) Nigeria is a "democracy" and operates a presidential system of government where there's a true separation of powers (i.e Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary)...'
* Sokari Ekine is online editor of Pambazuka News and author of Black Looks blog (on a recess).
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