Slavery ain’t dead, it’s manufactured in Liberia’s rubber

Thanks for the very informative article based on facts from empirical data. I think we have an idea as to how we can remedy the problem with some degree of success. First, we must accept that the genesis of our problem stems from lack of education and vision on the parts of our 'forefathers'.

Any leader who negotiates a deal of this magnitude, so lopsided and skewed towards the opposition belongs in the Guinness Book of Records for being of inferior intellect. On the other hand, Liberia's inability to do things right has earned us a place in the infamous category of this book for election fraud. Holding our elected officials to their pledges and not accepting the aged old excuses that 'it will take time', or 'it is on the agenda' would be a good start. The contracts were signed by crooks disguised as government officials. This in essence should make it null and void.

Ms Sirleaf should void the contract and renegotiate the deal fairly.

Jerome Gayman