Rwanda: disappearance of Mr. Olivier Mubiligi
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Rwanda. The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme, a member of the OMCT network, of the disappearance of Mr. Olivier Mubiligi, since the beginning of March, 2001, following death threats allegedly made by the Rwandan Patriotic Army.
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT
intervention in the following situation in Rwanda.
Brief description of the situation:
The International Secretariat of OMCT has been informed by Agir
Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme, a member of the OMCT
network, of the disappearance of Mr. Olivier Mubiligi, since the
beginning of March, 2001, following death threats allegedly made
by the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA).
According to the information received, Mr. Mubiligi reportedly
believes that the repeated death threats, that ultimately have forced
him into hiding, are due to the fact that he knows the identities of
those guilty of murdering his uncle, Mr. Nkezabangwa Vincent, on
February 15, 1997 in Gizozi. Mr. Nkezabangwa Vincent was the ex
vice-president of Rwanda's Supreme Court, and was allegedly
murdered by members of the RPA. The RPA are thought to be
threatening to kill Mr. Mubiligi in order to ensure that he does not
testify against them before the International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda (ICTR).
OMCT is gravely concerned about Mr. Mubiligi's physical and
psychological integrity, given these alleged death threats. OMCT is also
concerned about the RPA's reported use of intimidation, and potentially
murder, in order to protect its members and pervert the course of justice.
Action requested:
Please write to the authorities of Rwanda urging them to:
guaranteethe physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Olivier
guaranteean impartial and exhaustive inquiry into alleged use of
intimidation by the RPA, bring those responsible before a
competent and impartial tribunal and apply the penal, civil and
administrative sanctions provided by law;
guaranteeMr. Olivier Mubiligi's protection and enable him to
testify in any future ICTR hearings concerning the death of Mr.
Nkezabangwa Vincent.
adoptimmediate measures to put an end to the use of intimidation
and death threats by the RPA;
ensurein all circumstances respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms in accordance with national laws and
international human rights standards.
Please also write to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda urging
them to:
i. adopt immediate measures to locate Mr Mubiligi and provide
him with adequate protection.
§ International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Arusha
International Conference Centre, PO Box 6016, Arusha,
Tanzania, Tel: +1 (212) 963 2850 / +255 (27) 2504369/72, Fax: +1
(212) 963 2848 / +255 (27) 2504000
§ Office of the Prosecutor, Kigali, Amahoro Hotel, PO Box 749,
Kigali, Rwanda, Tel: + 250 84266 / +1 (212) 963 9906, Fax: +1
(212) 9634001
§ Major Général Paul Kagame, Président de la République,
Présidence de la République, BP 15, Kigali, Rwanda. Fax: +871
761 850 629 or +250 84 390
§ Colonel Emmanuel Habyarimana, Ministre de la Défense,
Ministère de la Défense, BP 23, Kigali, Rwanda. Fax :(+ 250)
72431 ou (+ 250) 76969
§ M. Jean de Dieu Mucyo, Ministre de la Justice et des Relations
institutionnelles, Ministère de la Justice, BP 160 Kigali,Rwanda.
Fax: (+ 250) 865 09
§ M. Gasana Ndoba, Président de la Commission National des
Droits de l'Homme, BP 269, Kigali, Rwanda. Fax:(+ 250) 82702 or
+250 510393
§ Mr Abdul Kharim Harelimana, Ministre de l’Intérieur, Ministère
de l’Intérieur, BP 446, Kigali, Rwanda. Fax : +250 84373/83374
Geneva, 20 April 2001
Kindly inform the International Secretariat of any action undertaken
quoting the code of this appeal in your reply.
Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture (OMCT)
World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT)
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