Rwanda: Kagame's inauguration - an opportunity to strengthen human rights protection
Amnesty International has urged President Paul Kgame to guarantee basic human rights for all Rwandese. "President Kagame should exercise the mandate he has won to guarantee the freedom for all Rwandese and for all sectors of society to express their views, in particular with respect to the ongoing campaign for parliamentary elections scheduled for 29 September through 2 October, " the organisation urged.
News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International
AI Index: AFR 47/013/2003 12/09/2003
Rwanda: President Kagame's inauguration - an opportunity to strengthen
human rights protection
As President Kagame takes the oath of office today following his victory in
the 25 August presidential elections Amnesty International is urging him to
guarantee basic human rights for all Rwandese.
"President Kagame should exercise the mandate he has won to guarantee the
freedom for all Rwandese and for all sectors of society to express their
views, in particular with respect to the ongoing campaign for parliamentary
elections scheduled for 29 September through 2 October, " the organization
Amnesty International welcomes the positive steps taken by the current
government in the post-genocide transition period. "The accomplishments of
adopting a new Constitution, introducing legislation concerning the
administration of political life and the management of presidential
elections are significant."
The vast majority of Rwandese people participated peacefully in the 25
August presidential elections. However, not all Rwandese were able to fully
exercise fundamental civil and political rights in the last months of
Rwanda's post-genocide transition period.
In the run up to the constitution referendum and, more significantly,
during the presidential poll, election monitors noted numerous incidents,
acts of harassment and intimidation and the arrests and "disappearances" of
members of the political opposition. It would be unfortunate if the same
allegations were to mar the ongoing parliamentary campaigns and forthcoming
Amnesty International calls for a transparent investigation of all acts of
harassment and intimidation and arrests of alleged members of the political
Opposition silenced in run-up to elections in Rwanda. Read more:
All AI documents on Rwanda:
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