Let's have a vigil for Andries Tatane
Following the ‘brutal killing’ of activist Andries Tatane ‘at a peaceful rally’ in South Africa, Emmie Chanika calls for solidarity with grassroots and civil society organisations.
Dear comrades,
Yesterday South African e-news TV showed the worst police brutal killing of an activist in a province at a peaceful rally. Anybody who watched it had nightmares. I am sure even our IG or president if they watched that they would have had one nightmare if they had none.
Please in solidarity with grassroots and CSOs in RSA, please let us
do something.
Even if they have arrested the police involved, we would wish to start a process in SADC and African UN, if not the whole world, that seniors should also be answerable for the action of the juniors.
Some observer said, that killing surpassed the Apartheid regime brutality as it was a police unit against one person and that after beating him, they shot him in the chest and he was talking, asking them what wrong he had done when he fell down, twitched and died.
If we cannot do anything, at least let us have a vigil.